china longyuan power group corporation limtted-尊龙官方平台

the fourth session of the 2nd workers congress & 2016 working conference of china longyuan power


li enyi is making the work report
 huang qun(secretary) is delivering the summary speech
  signing the liability statement for 2016’s objectives
 winning units’ representatives of comprehensive advanced units are accepting awards
representatives of general manager award fund winning units are accepting awards
representatives of top ten advanced groups are accepting awards
representatives of outstanding employees are accepting rewards
    during feb. 17 to feb. 19, china longyuan power held the fourth session of the 2nd workers congress & 2016 working conference in beijing. the meeting deeply implemented spirits of working conference of china guodian corporation, comprehensively summarized achievements of work in 2015 and the “12th five-year plan”, analyzedcurrent situations, clarified work ideas and targets in 2016, deployed key work in 2016, mobilized extensive cadres and employees to comprehensively implement the strategy of “one objective, five chapters and five guodian” of china guodian corporation, deeply carried out the work of  “dual-improvement” and accelerated building internationally first-class new energy company. li enyi, the general manager assistant of china guodian corporation, and general manager of china longyuan power; huang qun, secretary of leading party committee of china longyuan power; and leaders including jia nansong, he shen, zhang baoquan, zhang binquan, chang shihong, jin ji and zhao lijun attended the conference. li enyi made the work report and huang qun delivered the summary speech.
the conference proposed the overall ideas of 2016: to carefully implement spirits of 18th npc and all plenary sessions of the 18th central committee of cpc, take development ideas of “innovation, coordination, green, openness and sharing” as guidance, take innovative management and innovative development as main line, comprehensively implement “one objective, five chapters and five guodian” strategy of china guodian corporation, sturdily promote “dual-improvement”, actively adapt to the new normal, strive to build creative, managed and benefit-oriented enterprise, and accelerate building internationally first-class new energy company.
    in the conference, li enyi made the report themed as “drive development by innovation, improve benefits by management, and accelerate building internationally first-class new energy company.” li pointed out that in 2015, under the firm leadership of leading party group of china guodian corporation and board of directors of china longyuan power, the company system carefully implemented the spirits of early-year and mid-year working conferences, actively adapted to the new normal, insisted on “eight-emphasis”, pursued “four first-class”, deeply carried out “normalized and standardized management improvement year”, strengthened operation management, deepened reform and innovation, sturdily promoted work in various aspects, and kept a favorable trend of operation and development. the controlling installed capacity of the company reached 17.9497gw, in which the wind power installed capacity reached 15.7649 gw. china longyuan power surpassed iberdrola, spain and became the world first wind power operator. in 2015, china longyuan power finished wind power generation volume of 25.709 billion kwh, with the year on year growth of 11.35%; in which, the capacity of wind power projects approved reached 2.6276 million kwh, and 2.1965million kwh wind power projects were newly increased; the wind power electricity generation volume, profits, approval contents and commissioning capacity all created the new high records in the history. the enterprise completely finished various annual target missions released by china guodian corporation, and won grade a in objective accountability assessment of china guodian corporation. the work performances are mainly shown: firstly, the production and operation kept stable; secondly, early work was promoted steadily; thirdly, the engineering construction realized speed and quality improvement; fourthly, business management became more efficient and normalized; and fifthly, the ideology and politics about party building were strengthened comprehensively.
    li enyi pointed out when deeply analyzing current situations that as affected by economic growth slowdown, the power development stepped to the new normal, and power market entered “double-low” channels of low growth and low utilization hours. the growth rate of electricity consumption in the entire society in the previous year was 0.5%, creating the new lowest record in history. by prediction, the future competition in power generation would be fiercer. in the meantime, the positive factors of national policy orientation in new energy industry will in favor of easing the serious electricity restriction situations. from the long run of energy safety and sustainable development, the trend of energy transformation development featuring in rapid development of new energy is irreversible. china makes firm and long-term resolution on new energy development, so the opportunity of wind power development is larger than challenge.
    for the key work in 2016, li emphasized that the first is to improve inventory assets operation level based on “dual-improvement”; promote “dual-improvement” work vertically and deeply, firmly build foundation for safety production, spare no efforts to cope with electricity restriction, establish and perfect economical operation management and control model system, and strengthen assets operation management; the second is to improve increment assets development quality centering on economic benefits; steadily develop quality resources, improve quality of early work, strengthen management and control of engineering process, build quality project and actively explore and study new wind power technology application and management mode; the third is to deepen system and mechanism reform and improve innovative ability of enterprise management; comprehensively innovate basic management, innovate management system and mechanism, innovate employment mechanism, innovate young employee training and implement drive of technological innovation; the fourth is to strengthen ideological and political work of party building, and comprehensively create a harmonious atmosphere; comprehensively strengthen party building, strengthen party style and clean government construction, and spare no effort to build a happy longyuan.
    huang qun pointed out in the summary speech that the work report made by general manager li enyi is the program of action for current work and work in later period. after the conference, each department and each unit should carefully learn and deeply comprehend connotation of the report, actually control the implementation, and unify the ideas and actions of cadres and employees to the deployment of the enterprise to push the work to a new step.
    huang qun said that 2016 is the opening year of ”13th five-year plan” of china longyuan power. doing well work in the entire year has important significance and profound influence. huang called upon all cadres and employees to, from this conference, further free minds, innovate constantly, unify together, dedicate practically, comprehensively push the completion of tasks with high quality, high efficiency and high standards, and work hard for accelerating the building of internationally first-class new energy company.
    for the further work, huang put forward requirements in four aspects: the first is to unify ideas, improve cognition, and enhance sense of mission for the entire year; not only face difficulties directly, enhance awareness of unexpected development, awareness of responsibility, and firmly master initiative; but also unify ideas, firm confidence, act actively, comprehensively play the theme of scientific development, and make sure smooth realization of various task and targets; the second is to integrate into the center, serve the overall situations and comprehensively enhance sense of responsibility for strengthening party self-discipline; implement responsibilities, overall improve party building level; seriously specify disciplines and ceaselessly strengthen party work style and clean government construction; actively create harmonious enterprise atmosphere based on the principle of “people’s oriented”; the third is to optimize layout, improve benefits, facilitate and expand leading advantage of development; enhance quality resource reserve, and strengthen delayed effect of development; increase awareness of quality, and deepen early work; seize opportunities, and accelerate the development steps of offshore and overseas projects; the fourth is to highlight innovation, strengthen management and comprehensively improve comprehensive strength of the enterprise; innovate production and operation management, and improve economic benefit level; innovate infrastructure management, and build quality project; innovate management system and mechanism and increase vitality of enterprise development.
    in the conference, the general managerce, the genera and themed reports of relevant departments were discussed by groups, and submitted to the plenary session of the presidium for deliberation. the conference passed three resolutions including the general manager’s work report, and 2015 comprehensive plan implementation and 2016 comprehensive plan schedule report, and 2015 financial budget implementation and 2016 financial budget schedule report. longyuan jiangsu, longyuan fujian, longyuan jiangsu offshore, longyuan anhui, longyuan guizhou, longyuan tianjin, jiangyin sulong, and longyuan engineering and technology exchanged and made speeches. in the conference, as for subordinate relevant units, 2015 annual objectives-oriented responsibility assessment system was carried out and the liability statement of 2016 annual objectives was signed, and 2015 advanced units, 2015 general manager reward fund, 2015 advanced group and 2015 outstanding employees were rewarded.
    the chief engineer, general manager assistant, persons in charge of each department, main persons in charge of party and government departments of subordinate units, all representatives of the 2nd workers congress attended the conference.

