china longyuan power group corporation limtted-尊龙官方平台

“three-strictness and three-solidness” themed education starts in china longyuan power
on june 3, huang qun, the secretary of leading party group of china longyuan power, gave themed party lecture of “three strictness and three solidness”, which marked the inception of “three strictness and three solidness” themed education. the party lecture is presided over by he shen, the leader of discipline inspection group.
huang profoundly elaborated the practical significance and scientific connotation of “three strictness and three solidness”, enumerated the existing “non-strict and non-solid” problems and specific performances in the society, industry and china longyuan power combining his learning experience and specific cases, and proposed the requirements for party members and cadres to practice “three strictness and three solidness”. the first is to corroborate the ideal and belief, and always keep high political perspicacity and political discrimination; the second is to firmly remember the basic tenet, and take the masses’ satisfaction as standard to verity all aspects of work; the third is to intensify responsibility, display abilities during problems solving, and achieve business during development; the fourth is to set up correct concept of political achievements, and lay foundation and do things with long-term benefits practically and solidly; the fifth is to abide by disciplines of the party, and work conscientiously according to organization principle and political and living criteria of the party.
huang pointed out that, for “three strictness and three solidness” practice, china longyuan power shall act initiatively, and provide firm organization guarantee, political guarantee and work style guarantee by first-class party building to first-class listed new energy company, and mainly achieve “three strengthening”, i.e. to set up “great party building” pattern, and strengthen joint management; implement three-year plan for party building, and strengthen work guidance; and comprehensively carry out party building assessment and strengthen duty fulfillment. meanwhile, huang profoundly and skillfully exchange experiences in aspects of long-term benefit control, basic level control, responsibility control and work style control.
huang emphasized at last that to carry out “three strictness and three solidness” themed education we should improve ideological understanding, strengthen organizational leadership, highlight five principles, and make sure to achieve actual effect. while sturdily carry out “three strictness and three solidness” themed education, each unit shall insist on control and promotion of both aspects, and promote production and operation of the company to a new stage by new achievements of work style building.
as the director of themed education office, he shen proposed three requirements for inception of “three strictness and three solidness” themed education. the first is to study carefully, improve ideology and insure healthy development of themed education; the second is to reform while study, insist on control and promotion of both aspects, and combine the implementation of “one objective, five chapters and five guodian” strategy and “double-upgrading” with production and operational development of the company; the third is to require strictly, strengthen supervision and inspection, and guarantee the requirements of central government and leading party group of the company are implemented practically.

  the themed party lecture was delivered by video. nearly 500 people including chief engineer, president assistant, head and higher personnel of each department, all party members; leadership group members of each unit, person in charge of each department, party branch secretary, and members of “three strictness and three solidness” themed education office listened to the lecture respectively in main and branch venue.
