china longyuan power group corporation limtted-尊龙官方平台

china longyuan power strengthening party-building responsibility through work report of party committee secretaries

  the shot of report and discuss


  on march 30, china longyuan power held the conference on work report and review of secretaries of party committee on party-building. six pilot sites of liaoning, gansu, xinjiang, anhui, fujian and zhongneng company reported to the conference on work of party secretary in party-building. huang qun, secretary of china longyuan power party leadership group chaired the conference, and xiong xingqin, deputy director of political department of china guodian corporation attended the conference and delivered a speech.


  “at present, there are relatively more young staff in china longyuan power and their quality, safety awareness and technical and skill capabilities all need to be improved and strengthened. as the secretary of party committee in the front line organization, what are your plans and measures for the abovementioned issues? ” “the requirements are very stringent for the work of party-building and anti-corruption, moreover, both the size of responsible departments and the personnel force are extremely limited. combined with the heavy task of enterprise development, as the party secretary, how can you practically and fully play your role as the first responsible person in party-building and the role of main responsibility person in the capacity-building of party work style and clean government?” “your enterprise also challenged by the issues like relatively more young staff, scattered wind power stations not easy for management. please state your plans and measures in deepening the green love campaign. ”……


  these were part of the questions raised by the participants in the conference to each secretary after his work report. some questions are both targeted and enlightening and attract a lot of attention. some secretaries could well responded to the questions with a clear mind only after short considerations, while there were also some of them failed to give a satisfied answer but vague content and thoughtless consideration.


  huang qun made comments on all the six secretaries one by one. in his comments, there were both praises and harsh criticism, while also some comments are very useful for the work practices like kindly reminding and requirements. huang qun stressed the holding of this kind of conference was one of the important measures to implement the principle of the party shall exercise self-discipline and be strict with its members, and a key approach to carry out the responsibility system of party-building work and also a “political examination” and “intensive diagnosis” for secretaries of party committee to perform their duty of party-building as the first responsible person. as the secretary of party committee, he should always remember to consider from the strategic and overall point, be fully aware of the importance of the party-building work. every secretary of party committee shall have the ownership awareness and fully perform the duty of being first responsible person in his party-building work. 


  with regard to the implementation of the conference spirit, huang qun made three requests: first, strengthen the awareness of supervising the party and solve the problem of “why we emphasize the party-building”. second, highlight key points and solve the problem of “what we should emphasize in party-building”. we should rely on party-building work plan and assessment of 2015 to 2017, give full play to subjective initiative to learn and think actively, take suitable actions, strengthen innovation and make progress. third, find effective method to solve the problem of “how to emphasize party building”. we should contribute more to serve the grass-roots and lay a solid foundation for the work, and solve the problems one by one with the spirit of “driving nails”.


  at his speech, xiong xingqin fully affirmed the conference on work report and review which reflects the vigorous and pragmatic work style of the party leadership group of china longyuan power as well as the strong sense of responsibility of the secretary of party leadership group in the party-building work. mr. xiong also expressed his hopes for china longyuan power: firstly, the company should make persistent efforts to complete the follow-up work after report review and assessment; secondly, the company should conduct practically to enforce strict discipline and focus on promoting job responsibility system of party-building; thirdly, the company should strengthen the foundation and concentrate efforts on promoting the level of grass-roots party-building work; fourthly, the company should deepen its services and focus on promoting the quality and effectiveness of grass-roots party-building work. he hopes that china longyuan power’s party-building work can strive for progress and provide strong support for being a first-class new energy listed company with first-class party-building.


  when expressing opinions, wang deqi, the secretary of party committee of liaoning company, said that, “the conference of work report and review makes me understand more clearly the significance of party committee’s entity responsibility and ‘one post with two duties’. it also defines the direction of my work for the next step. i will earnestly practice my work in person when i back to liaoning, and lay emphasis on party-building work, and integrate party-building work with production management so as not to betray the corporation leaders’ trust in me.” .wang chengkai, the secretary of fujian company said that, “i learned a lot from the work report and also felt stressed. in 2015, i’ll keep in mind that my first identity is being the secretary of party committee and my first duty is to focus on party-building and put great efforts into party-building so as to unite efforts and provide escort for the company’s development.”


  after the conference, many secretaries of party committee, discipline inspection commissions and party delegates said that, “though i didn’t make any report, it is indeed a good way for learning, communicating and training through listening to other units’ work report”. some others said that, “the work report not only consolidates party-building responsibility and party-building work but an experience and challenge to the secretaries of party committee. we have more to learn”.


  at the conference, the participants also made a democratic evaluation for the grass-roots party-building work of the six secretaries of party committee.
