china longyuan power group corporation limtted-尊龙官方平台

third session of 2rd worker’s conference & 2015 working conference held in china longyuan power

  emphasizing on fully implementing “one objective, five chapters and five guodian” core strategy, sturdily carrying out “dual-promotion”, and accelerating construction of international first-class new energy listed company.


conference site


li enyi is delivering the work report


huang qun is making conclusion speech


signing 2015 annual objective liability statement


awarding ceremony for winning units of “advanced units”


awarding ceremony for winning units of president award fund


awarding ceremony for winners of outstanding employees


  during feb. 3 to feb. 5, china longyuan power group held the third session of 2rd worker’s conference & 2015 working conference in beijing. the conference comprehensively concluded the work in 2014, deeply analyzed situations faced, clarified the work thoughts in current and future period and work objective and key points in 2015, and mobilized cadres and employees to fully implement “one objective, five chapters and five guodian” core strategy, sturdily carry out “dual-promotion”, and accelerate construction of international first-class new energy listed company. li enyi, the president, huang qun, secretary of party leadership group, and leaders of the company including zhang yuan, jia nansong, he shen, zhang baoquan, zhang binquan, and chang shihong attended the conference. li enyi delivered the work report, and huang qun made the conclusion speech.
  the overall work thoughts for 2015 and the future period proposed in the conference are to carefully implement the spirits of the 18th national congress of cpc, third and fourth plenary meeting of the 18th party committee, and the central economic working conference, fully implement various work deployments of china guodian corporation, take “one objective, five chapters and five guodian” core strategy as orientation, focus on “dual-promotion”, insist on “eight-emphasis”, pursue “four first-class”, deeply carry out the activity of “normalized and standard management promotion year”, strengthen operation and management, deepen reform and innovation, promote advantageous development, comprehensively improve the comprehensive strength and competition capacity of the company, and accelerate constructing the international first-class new energy listed company.
  in the conference, li enyi delivered the work report themed as “strengthen management, insist on reform and innovation, develop the advantageous fields, and accelerate constructing internationally first-class new energy listed company”. li pointed out that that in 2014 under the firm leadership of party leadership group of china guodian corporation and board of directors of the company, the company system carefully implemented the spirits in year beginning working conference and mid-year working conference, actively coped with the new situations of operation and development, insisted on “eight emphasis”, pursued “four first-class”, strengthened operating management, deepened reform and innovation, sturdily promoted work in various aspects, and kept the healthy, sustainable and advantageous development trend, which are mainly shown in the following aspects. firstly the production and operation continuously keeps in a favorable trend; secondly the early work is fruitful; thirdly the speed and quality of engineering construction is improved; fourthly the management innovation keeps deepening; and fifthly ideological and political work of party building is enhanced comprehensively.
  when deeply analyzing the current situations, li pointed out that the general office of the state council released energy development strategy action plan (2014 ~2020) to list the “green and low-carbon strategy” as one of the four energy development strategies, clearly propose to take clean and low-carbon energy development as main orientation of energy structure adjustment, and greatly increase the consumption proportion of clean and low-carbon energy such as wind power; the “assessment method of renewable energy power quota” will be issued soon, which is expected to ease the wind power consumption and absorption; meanwhile, the electricity price policy for offshore wind power and 10000 mw offshore wind power development and construction plan during 2014~2016 are issued so that the offshore wind power development supporting policies are more explicit. on the other hand, the national development and reform commission just released onshore wind power price adjustment policy. for the wind power projects approved after 2015 and put into operation after 2016, the price of the fourth class resource regions will keep unchanged, and the price of the other third class resources will reduce 2 cent/kwh. the price reduction range and implementation time are better than the expectation.
  in view of key work in 2015, li enyi emphasized that firstly, china longyuan power shall strengthen stock assets operation based on wind power “dual-promotion”. we should consolidate safety foundation, focus on electricity quantity improvement, strengthen operating management, enhance financial management and control, and keep improving value creation ability of stock assets. secondly, china longyuan power shall optimize increment assets development centering at economic benefits. we should pay attention to strategic guidance, stably develop quality projects, strictly control project engineering progress, create quality project, and realize quality, beneficial and sustainable development. thirdly, china longyuan power will target at creating the first class and deepen system and mechanism reform. we should comprehensively solidify foundational management, innovate manage system and mechanism, improve the execution capacity of leaders and cadres, innovate employment and recruitment mechanism, implement scientific and technological innovation, and further release the development vitality of the enterprise. fourthly, china longyuan power will, based on unity and harmony, strengthen ideological and political work of party building. we should fully strengthen party building, comprehensively promote the construction of “internal quality and external image”, strive to create a happy longyuan, and lay firm ideological foundation for the development of the company. 
  huang qun pointed out in conclusion speech that the work report delivered by li integrated the “one objective, five chapters and five-guodian” strategy of china guodian corporation and reality of china longyuan power, combined the theoretical deliberation and practical exploration. the report is powerfully perceptive, targeted and instructive, and will be the programmatic document for the current in current period and future period. each department and each unit shall carefully study and implement the spirits of the report to actual work. 
  huang said that in this year the company will become the largest wind power operator in the world, which will be a significant milestone for the development of the company. in the meantime, we will start from a new point of creating “internationally first-class”. it is a long way and great responsibility to construct an international new energy listed company, and we should spare no effort jointly. each department and each unit shall actually enhance sense of responsibility and urgency, forge ahead and work hard to make sure all objective tasks of the year will be accomplished, and strive to promote the progress of the company to create internationally first class.
  aiming at the next work, huang qun proposed three requirements. the first is that the party shall manage and control the party strictly, and transfer the advantages of the part to advantages for development and competition; focus on management, strengthen the foundation, and form long-term mechanism of mutual management; focus on work style, emphasize on service, and gather the employees to jointly seek for development. the second is to optimize layout, improve benefits, consolidate and expand the leading superiority of the company for development. at present, the challenges and opportunities for development of the company coexist, but the opportunity is larger than the challenge. we should increase confidence, take a long view, and under the premise that economic benefits are guaranteed, continue to accelerate development, consolidate and expand leading position, promote the early work transferring from speed and scale oriented to quality and benefit oriented, and from inventory improvement to optimization and increment combination. specifically, we should strengthen benchmarking management of early work, deepen the contents of early work, continue to keep the leading advantages of offshore and overseas development and further enhance investment management and control. the third is to innovate the management, control implementation, and fully promote the accomplishment of objective tasks of 2015; innovate production management, and work hard for electricity quantity; innovate infrastructure management, and effectively finish the increment objective; innovate financial management, and improve capital usage efficiency; innovate talent management, and create first class professional team; innovate scientific and technological management, and drive development by technological progress; and innovate foundational management, and fully improve the management level.
  in the conference, the attendees discussed the work report of the president and themed reports of relevant departments by groups, and submitted to plenary session of the presidium for deliberation; and passed three resolutions including work report of the president, report on 2014 comprehensive plan implementation and 2015 comprehensive plan arrangement and report on 2014 financial budget implementation and 2015 financial budget arrangement. seven units including jiangsu branch, yunnan branch, heilongjiang branch, jiangsu offshore branch, inner mongolia branch, shaanxi branch and longyuan design consulting spoke in the conference. the enterprise management and legal affairs department introduced the “longyuan 723” first class enterprise standard. in the conference, relevant units were assessed for 2014 objective responsibility, and signed 2015 objective liability statement. the conference commended the advanced units, president award fund and outstanding employees for the year 2014.
  the chief engineer, president assistant of china longyuan power, persons in charge of each department, persons in charge of party affairs of each unit, and representatives of the second worker’s congress attended the conference. (txt/feng yang, pang hongyu, zeng hui, li weifeng)
