china longyuan power group corporation limtted-尊龙官方平台

china longyuan power holds “fighting for 300 days and ensuring goal attainment” wind power development and construction labor competition promotion meeting

  conference site


  on january 14, china longyuan power held “fighting for 300 days and ensuring goal attainment” wind power development and construction labor competition promotion meeting to further stir up an upsurge in labor competition, achieve a good start for 2015, and also to ensure goal attainment of fighting for 300 days. he shen, leader of the discipline inspection group and chairman of the labor union attended the meeting and also delivered a speech.


  he shen noted that, the labor union had sent a proposal to all staff since the labor competition started, and had taken the lead in presenting a flag to the storm troops of zhongneng power-tech development co., ltd., beijing design company and xinjiang design company. the labor union had also successively attended morale-building meetings for wind power projects of heilongjiang company and anhui company, and presented a flag to their storm troops and issued more than 300 “6.30” posters to the participation units. in this way, china longyuan power and its affiliated units quickly formed a fighting, racing, assaulting and winning atmosphere. the participation units earnestly carried out the company’s decisions and declared war on “6.30” wind power development and construction tasks in the spirit of daring to crack a hard nut and set foot in rapids. besides, the unit leaders regularly investigated the construction site and timely reported project progress. the unit leaders, related departmental principals and the staff in key positions had signed the letter of commitment on duty of performance for promotion of “6.30” project, which effectively promoted the progress of the tasks.

  as for the next work, he made five requests: first, strengthen organization and coordination. all units should continue to invert construction period, strictly control node, define division of work, keep a close watch on equipment supply, strengthen site management, reasonably make fund plans and work hard on “6.30” project in strict accordance with the “high, strict, meticulous, practical and urgent” working standards. second, deepen labor competition. all administrative departments, party committees and labor unions should go deep into the grassroots, the staff and the related units, and supervise, examine and assess them by stages so as to understand the progress. the units should also strengthen publicity and create the atmosphere of wave after wave and even wave upon wave. third, steadily carry out warm-giving activities. now it is winter, so the units should carefully carry out “warmth giving to construction site” activities for “6.30” project, further guarantee the staff’s safety and health during engineering construction, and authentically give warmth to front-line staff. fourth, focus on typical choosing. in labor competitions, the units should choose advanced models who put down roots at the front line, work hard and make selfless contributions so as to further condense fighting spirit and arouse positive energy. fifth, increase risk control awareness. the units should strengthen follow-up auditing during the whole process, give full play to the role of discipline inspection commissions as an escort, increase legal risk awareness, and strive to “achieve it, yet make no trouble”. moreover, the units should have confidence and overcome difficulties to advance, respond to the call of the company with practical actions, drive competitions forward, and deliver a satisfactory report to the company with good results, thus making new greater contributions to building a world-class new energy listed company.


  during the meeting, jiangsu company, shanxi company and heilongjiang company respectively made a speech concerning the exchange of experience. the office of the labor union arranged the “warmth giving to construction site” activity.


  the meeting was held through video. the principals of engineering & construction department, planning & development department, and the office of the labor union, the party principals of the units in beijing and the participation units, prophase engineering development vice president and other related staff attended the meeting in headquarters and parallel sessions.
