china longyuan power group corporation limtted-尊龙官方平台

china longyuan power wins the outstanding contribution award

  on oct. 17, the result of “2014 global top 500 new energy companies” was announced. after last year’s win, china longyuan power has again successfully become one of them, ranking first among chinese new energy developers. it also won the “outstanding contribution award”. zhang binquan, member of the party leadership group and vice president of china longyuan power accepted the award on behalf of the company.

  in recent years, china longyuan power has vigorously explored and developed wind power-oriented new energies. it is the first professional company engaging in wind power development, and also represents the development history of chinese wind power industry. over the years, china longyuan power has been striving to building a powerful and excellent wind power industry, and leading the industrial trend. first, china longyuan power commits itself to become a first-class international enterprise by accomplishing top-level design, for which it has formulated 7 major factors, 23 standards and 64 indicators that has helped it to establish an internationally excellent management system and an implementation road map, quickening its paces to be a prominent new energy listed company in the world. second, china longyuan power determines to build an offshore wind power plant that is the largest in asia. china longyuan power has taken the lead in developing a 280mw intertidal and offshore wind power plant in rudong, jiangsu. it has developed the first professional construction and maintenance offshore boat in china, and has mastered a series of core technologies such as single-pile and multi-pile foundation construction, representing a critical step for its scale-development in offshore wind power generation. third, china longyuan power has initiated the practice of building wind power plants under low speed and high altitude conditions. in 2011, it constructed the first chinese low-speed wind power project in laian, anhui, setting up a positive model for inland wind power development. in yunnan, guizhou and tibet, china longyuan power has constructed some of the first high-altitude wind power plants in china, the average altitude of which is over 3000m. its project in tibet has an altitude of 4,300m, where a number of alpine and anoxic challenges have been successfully solved. fourth, china longyuan power has successfully introduced its wind power business overseas. it is the first chinese state-owned enterprise that has invested in overseas wind power projects. by now, the 100mw project in canada will soon be completed and put into generation. last september, china longyuan power has successfully won two wind power projects in south africa with an installed capacity of 244mw, another breakthrough on the international market. fifth, china longyuan power has developed a first-class wind power technology supporting system. it has fully utilized the important platform of national wind power operation r & d center authorized by the national energy administration to effectively improve its professional technologies. in its corporate headquarters in beijing, china longyuan power has developed the national wind power operation monitoring center to monitor in real time each wind turbine set in its 247 wind power plants across china. it has also initiated regional centralized monitoring management in 9 provinces, which has laid down solid foundations for unattended or fewer manned wind power plants.

  after research, the review committee of “global top 500 new energy companies” decided to award the “outstanding contribution award of 2014 global new energy enterprises” to china longyuan power. the committee fully affirmed the leading status of china longyuan power in new energy industry in the award ceremony speech “as the largest wind power generation enterprise in asia, china longyuan power actively forges ahead in the spirit of innovation. it has initiated a unique wind power development and profit model, constructed unique supporting systems of wind power technology and service, and led the development direction of china’s wind power industry, making it the pioneer, leader and model of china’s wind power development.”

  “global top 500 new energy companies” is an authoritative research and evaluation public benefit activity for the new energy industry jointly launched by china energy news and china institute of energy economics research, and has been successfully held for three sessions. as the basis of this activity, the research of global top 500 new energy companies has been listed as a soft science project of the national energy administration in 2011.

