china longyuan power group corporation limtted-尊龙官方平台

li enyi meets with president of ziguangge periodical office

  site of meeting


  on aug. 11, li enyi, the president assistant of china guodian corporation, president of china longyuan power, and huang qun, the secretary of leading party group of china longyuan power met with shan weiqiang, the president, pei jizhuang, the deputy editor-in chief of ziguangge periodical office and their delegation. jia nansong, the member of leading party group, vice president and secretary of board accompanied the meeting.

  li, in the interview, introduced the reform and development history of the company to shan weiqiang. china longyuan power has been established for 21 years since 1993, experiencing twice ventures during these years. in the first ten years, the company started in different conditions with business of electric power technology transformation and thermal power investment. it moved steadily and meanwhile started engaging in new energy technology research and development, finished original accumulation of fund, technology and talent, and realized the first venture during the development process. in the end of 2002 during the national electric power system reform, the assets of china longyuan power were put under china guodian corporation, and the company actively inputted in the second venture to gradually develop new energy industry. through exploration and accumulation for years, after 2006, the wind power industry of the company started rapid development in scale, and leading the wind power industry in china for a long time. in december 2009, the company successfully listed in hong kong h shares with initial placement of rmb 17.7 billion yuan, creating multiple first times including the largest ipo financing amount and highest pe ratio of chinese power enterprise in overseas market, and becoming the “first share of new energy in china”. the listed china longyuan power redoubled its might. its installed capacity increased at a speed of 2 million kw per year, and it successfully explored multiple new development fields of offshore, overseas, high altitude and low wind speed, and realized synchronic development of scale and benefits. since 2013, under the correct leadership of the new leading group of china guodian corporation, the company, led by scientific development strategy in new time and oriented by “five articles”, fully started the third venture, strived to create management and beneficial enterprise, accelerated constructing the international first-class new energy listed company, and aimed at to “create another china longyuan power” in five years. 

  li said that since 2013 china longyuan power adopted five measures to deeply promote the third venture. the first is to strengthen top-level design. according to orientation and requirement of creating internationally first class, the company deeply studied the management elements and characteristics of global top enterprises, strengthened the top-level design of company management, extracted seven main elements, 23 standards and 64 indexes, and clarified the standard management system framework of creating internationally first-class new energy listed company. the company will detail various indexes and promote measures to form complete management standard system and detailed implementation roadmap and transfer the standardization of the work into conscious actions of all cadres and employees. the second is to explore and establish new wind power operation and maintenance mode. the wind power installed capacity is 12 million kw, and wtgs in operation area nearly 9000 sets. with more wtgs which warranty period expires, the operation and maintenance pressure becomes larger increasingly. the company deeply carried out special survey, scientifically designed operation and maintenance mode, strengthened operation and maintenance system construction according to wind farm scale, wtg model and environment, and effectively improved normalization and standardization level of operation and maintenance management, as well as work efficiency. the third is to comprehensively deepen reform of assessment mechanism. the company highlighted value creation orientation, innovated incentive and restrictive mechanism, insisted on emphasized benchmarking, strict assessment, powerful incentive and hard restriction, and established a comprehensive assessment system of “one main body, four supports, horizontal to edge and vertical to end”. in this year, the company fully carried out monthly performance evaluation and assessment redemption management for basic unit and the head office organization, and meanwhile further refined and completed the special assessments of electric quantity, engineering and early assessment, increased relevance between performance and remuneration, strengthened process dynamic incentive and restriction, actually improved the work positivity and relevance of full staff, effectively promoted organic combination of individual performance, development and company objective, and fully realized the assessment effect of “everything points at index, and everyone cares about index”. the fourth is to promote cooperative development. the company strengthened the cooperative development between each subsidiary of china guodian corporation and local well-known enterprises and made use of various effective social resources to fully bring the regional advantage of each other, and professional platform advantage of china longyuan power into full play, and realize win-win cooperation. at present, the cooperative agreements signed with subsidiaries of china guodian corporation involve eight provinces, 21 wind power projects with capacity of 1.674 million kw. it signed strategic cooperation framework agreement with , and reached totally 500,000 kw cooperative development intention with local new energy enterprises in jiangsu and anhui, injecting new power for the third venture of the company. the fifth is to strengthen talent team construction. the company deeply promotes the strategy of “talents to revitalize the enterprise”, and enable “the one who wants to work has opportunity and one who is capable has a stage”. in accordance with production and operation characteristics and development requirements of each regional company, the company adjusted basic level enterprise leading group allocation, and further optimized the cadre team structure. aiming at the problem of serious personnel lack in some area within the company system, the company realized maximum overall talent value through system international communication and other ways. relying on two training bases in suzhou and yichun, the company enhanced of education training resources, and strengthened talent training so that the personnel quality has been improved further.

  li appointed out that with the enlarging of wind power installation scale, some development problems are exposed in aspects of industrial policy, power market management and production run of wind farm, which restrict the healthy development of the industry: firstly the disorderly competition of wind power resource occurs frequently; secondly the wind power development construction order is not normalized; thirdly electricity is still restricted in some areas; and fourthly the access threshold of offshore wind power development is low.

  shan said that as the leading enterprise in domestic new energy industry, china longyuan power actively and effectively explored the development of wind power industry, achieved outstanding performance, and made prominent contributions to the low carbon economic development as well as energy conservation and emission reduction in china. ziguangge will increase publicity, and make people from all circles extensively understand the wind power industry and china longyuan powder, jointly study and solve the difficulties and problems faced by wind power development with all sectors of the society, and promote healthy and sustainable development of wind power industry.

  earlier on aug. 5, pei jizhuang and his delegation arrived at china longyuan power for investigation accompanied by xu mingjun, the president assistant and director of general office of china guodian corporation, visited wind power production and operation monitoring center, and deeply knew the operation and development situations and functions of ten technical service supporting systems. during aug. 6 to aug. 9, pei and his delegation also arrived at jiangsu rudong offshore wind farm and subordinated to the company to investigate the offshore wind power development situations and wind power operation and maintenance technology competition in the front line. pei spoke highly of the two farms.  

  ziguangge was firstly issued in 1993 under the supervision of cpc central state organ work committee. the magazine was issued to each department of central state organs, party and government offices in each province, municipality and county, as well as military system and central enterprises system. it was listed as “double-effect periodical” and key party journal mainly supported by propaganda department of the central committee of cpc and general administration of press and publication.
