china longyuan power group corporation limtted-尊龙官方平台

china longyuan power initiates the performance evaluation mechanism of the headquarter

  on april 13, china longyuan power issued regulations on the monthly performance evaluation in the headquarter of china longyuan power (trial) that would be officially implemented in the headquarter. this is the first time that the company carried out the performance evaluation mechanism in the headquarter.

  at present, china longyuan power is in the important stage of strategic development and period of management transformation. in the face of the new requirement of “building up the international world-class new energy listed company”, the company has furthered deepening management and begun to carry out performance evaluation in the headquarter. this is another great initiative of management mechanism based on the assessment of annual target responsibility, monthly performance evaluation, and three special evaluations of electric quantity, engineering and earlier stage.

  in order to further improving management efficiency and fully stimulating concerns of cadres and staffs, the company has begun to prepare innovation evaluation mechanism from the end of last year. after full preparation, firstly the company carried out a new assessment method for subordinated grassroots units, implemented monthly dynamic evaluation management and increased links of performance and evaluation. in consequence, it has formed pressure and dynamic for internal employees of the company and eliminated the equalitarianism, the basic realization of promoting performance, improving style and advancing management. in addition, the innovation of management methods gained good achievements.

  then the company set out reforming performance evaluation in the headquarter. after assigning representatives to conduct research in cgn new energy co. ltd., the company has made a comprehensive understanding and learning on the implementation cause, process, difficulties and problems, concrete practice, results and experience, and future work plans. meanwhile, they have made a serious study on evaluation principles, methods, evaluation objects and strength, selection of the evaluation index and standard setting, coordination and convergence of various types of evaluation methods. finally, regulations on the monthly performance evaluation in the headquarter came out on april 13.

  following the principles of rounding the center, the same objectives, tied interests, sharing honors and punishment, highlighting the key and gradual process, the performance evaluation in the headquarter made a fine index design according to responsibilities of various departments, drew a detailed provisions on evaluation division, index weight, application of results .etc, based on the evaluation index issued by the group. tasks should be implemented at each level and index should be taken by each employee in order to ensure the completion of annual work and objectives of the company. in terms of assessment content, the annual key performance indicators and tasks undertaken by the company for each department include necessary indicators, specific indicators and evaluation indicators. in view of evaluation methods, evaluation is implemented once a month and results should be connected with the monthly performance. performance evaluation in the headquarter conducts a multi-dimensional evaluation on the completion of work for each department in order to ensure an objective and fair reflect of work responsibilities, pressure, quality and effect for each department through quantitative and qualitative evaluation, key work and daily work, director lead and manager evaluation, and other distribution of different evaluation weights.

  the implementation of performance evaluation in the headquarter is an important measure for china longyuan power to improve the management level continuously, aiming at strengthening responsibility and sense of innovation, inspiring the enthusiasm and creativity of staffs, and forming a harmonious and progressive atmosphere for striving for excellence and pioneering work and common development.
