china longyuan power group corporation limtted-尊龙官方平台

china longyuan power carries out thematic education activity

  site of activity


  visiting anti-japanese war memorial museum


  visiting site of lugou bridge



  the oath to join in the party goes that “i wish to join in the communist party of china, advocate the guiding principles and observe the articles of associations of the party…” in the afternoon of april 4, china longyuan power group corporation limited organized and carried out the education activity themed as “carrying forward the anti-japanese war spirit, and practicing the mass line”, and visited the anti-japanese war memorial museum and site of lugou bridge. li enyi, the president, huang qun, the secretary of party leadership group, and leaders including zhang yuan, jia nansong, he shen, zhang baoquan, zhang binquan and chang shihong attended the activity. huang delivered a speech while he presided over the activity.


  this activity is an important aspect for china longyuan power to sturdily promote the study and education of mass line practice activities. li enyi, the president and huang qun, the secretary of party leadership group presented flower basket to the statues of anti-japanese war heroes, mourned deeply and expressed the sublime respect to the martyrs. all party members reviewed the oath to join in the party when facing the party flag in the hall of the memorial museum, and accepted the baptism of patriotism. 


  huang pointed out in his speech that in order to carry forward anti-japanese war spirit and practice the mass line, we should make determination through thick and thin, take the responsibility to guard our country, and innovate and consolidate all work relating new energy development and international first-class enterprise construction; we should unite and cooperate to achieve win-win situation, learn from the mass and serve the same in turn, and implement the policy of cohesion and running enterprise depending on employees; we should insist on the principles and hold the personal integrity regardless of gain or loss, work honestly and diligently, and keep the people-oriented honest practices in mind; we should unify the thoughts, realize the hazards, consider comprehensively and work down-to-earth to thoroughly eliminate the prominent problems of work style construction and “four trends of formalism, bureaucracy, hedonism and extravagance”. huang called upon everyone to remember our history and mission, keep going, and create another brilliant to make more contribution to the sustainable development of new energy and ecological civilization construction in china.


  during the activity, all participations visited the anti-japanese war memorial museum and the site of lugou bridge where the july 7 incident of 1937 occurred, reviewed the history of communist party of china to unite and lead people of all ethnic groups in china to fight for and realize national independence and people libration, and deeply learned the anti-japanese war spirit, i.e. “the determined spirit to defy brute forces, dedication spirit to save the nation by sacrificing, united spirit to fight against enemies, and the self-improvement spirit to hold on straight to the end”. the participants said that they would face up to history, remember the national humiliation, and always keep the requirements of people-orientation, practice and honesty in mind to make arduous efforts to create international first-class enterprise.


  about 300 cadres and employees of head office of china longyuan power as well as subsidiary units in beijing attended this activity.
