china longyuan power group corporation limtted-尊龙官方平台

qiao baoping and xie changjun attend the meetings of board of directors and supervisors of china longyuan power

  site of meeting of the board of directors


  on march 17, china longyuan power held the second meeting of the second session of the board of directors of 2014 in hong kong. qiao baoping, chairman of the board and secretary of party leadership group of china guodian corporation, and chairman of the board of china longyuan power, attended the meeting and made an important speech; xie changjun, vice president of the group company, and chairman of supervisory board of china longyuan power, attended the meeting; li enyi, president and executive director of china longyuan power, attended the meeting and presented the 2013 operating results of the company; president assistant and heads of the related department of the group company, and directors, supervisors, secretary of the board of directors and chief accountant of china longyuan power attended the meeting. qiao baoping presided over the meeting.

  at the meeting, mr. qiao pointed out that faced with all kinds of difficulties in new energy sector, china longyuan power pressed forward in 2013, forged ahead and achieved satisfactory operating results, which made a positive contribution for the development of the group company and china’s new energy sector. in view of the future work, mr. qiao proposed six requirements: first, effects should be made to boost investment, and the group company will continue to increase the investment in china longyuan power, particularly, quicken its “going global” step as well as advance the overseas project in a stable and efficient manner. second, the group company should strengthen the internal management, intensify the regional integration and management, strictly control the cost, beef up intensity of technological innovation, actively explore the domestic cdm market as well as improve enterprise management level. third, it is better to optimize the development layout, meticulously design and plan, avoid severe wtg suspension as well as send out and approve difficult projects; intensify efforts in the early stage of the offshore wind, speed up the investment pace as well as grasp the development opportunity. fourth, the group company should improve the project proceeds, actively shoot for policy support, strive for preferential price as well as constantly optimize the environment of new energy development. fifth, efforts should be made to effectively prevent the risks, carefully make a check according to circumstances to avoid rigid uniformity, strengthen financial control, standardize the tendering regulations as well as transfer the qualified projects for business timely to prevent investment risks. sixth, it is beneficial to improve the ownership structure, change concepts, actively introduce social capital, establish the risk-result-sharing mixed ownership as well as stimulate the potential and vitality of enterprise development.

  totally 23 proposals had been deliberated and approved at the meeting of the board of directors, including the proposal on the 2013 annual report and results announcement of china longyuan power group corporation limited and the proposal on the president’s 2013 annual work report of china longyuan power group corporation limited.

  following the meeting of the board of directors, china longyuan power held the first meeting of the second session of the supervisory board of 2014which was presided over by xie changjun. the proposal on the 2013 annual report and results announcement of china longyuan power group corporation limited and the proposal on the supervisory board’s 2013 annual report of china longyuan power group corporation limited had been deliberated and approved at the meeting of supervisory board.
