china longyuan power group corporation limtted-尊龙官方平台

china longyuan power holds mobilization meeting for educational practices of the party’s mass line

  platform of the meeting


  meeting site


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  on mar. 6, china longyuan power held the mobilization meeting for educational practices of the party’s mass line. zhang shumin, the leader of the second supervision group and chief economist of china guodian corporation, wang baozhong, the deputy group leader, and leading group members of china longyuan power in beijing attended the meeting. zhang shumin delivered important address, li enyi presided over the meeting, and huang qun made a mobilization speech. 

  zhang put forwards three requirements on how to carry out the educational practices of the mass line: the first is to understand the spirit, and actually master the basic requirements of the second batch of educational practices. we should insist on the general requirements of “looking into the mirror, straightening dressing, taking a batch, curing the disease”, and put efforts to solve the prominent problems in aspects of the primary party organizations serving the staff and mass, make the members of various levels of party organizations and leading groups, party member and cadres serve the people honestly, improve the ability for mass work under new situations, and provide strong guarantee for doing well the “” and creating “four guodian”; clarify the target mission of “five further”, improve ideological understanding level, mass work ability, incorruptible work consciousness, primary foundation level and reform and development ability, and promote the further improvement of the scientific development level of the company; follow up the basic principles of the practices, insist on integrating center and serving the overall situation, highlight the education, problem orientation, mass service and leadership demonstration, insist on positive education, criticism and self-criticism, promoting activities open, leadership leading, and five principles of “stressing practical results”. the second is to make overall plans and coordination, and actually organize the second batch of educational practices. we should strengthen the study, deepen the understanding, carefully study and understand the spirits and deployment requirements relating to the practices of the central and group company’s party organizations, carefully study and implement the spirits of address delivered by chairman qiao baoping in the mobilization meeting, and comprehensively improve the understanding of the significance of the second educational practices; enhance the leadership, clarify the responsibility, deliberately formulate implementation plan, actually implement the responsibility of the first responsible people, who shall put the responsibility to mind, shoulder and grab the practices; focus on the “formalism, bureaucracy, hedonism and extravagancy” problem, carry forward systematically, and strive to solve the “formalism, bureaucracy, hedonism and extravagancy” problem, and the prominent problems reflected strongly by the staff and mass, do well the “regulated work”, and make the “optional exercise” practical; enhance supervision, guarantee quality, and assign supervision group to supervise the entire process of departments and units to discover and solve problems in time; pay attention to the publicity, create atmosphere, strengthen publicity, summarize and promote good experiences and methods, master the timing, force and effect guided by public opinions, and create favorable atmosphere for the health development of the practices. the third is to tighten the standards and actually do well the supervision. we should develop the supervision work closely depending on the leading party group, insist on integrating the supervision into help and service, and try to perform duty within the power and ; carefully perform the supervision responsibility, insist on open supervision, and go deep to the basic level to understand situations, listen to opinions, play the “nail” spirit, be capable to take responsibility, be brave in undertaking, guarantee the quality of supervision, clearly point out and help to make up for those who failed to implement the requirements of the deployment by the group company; force to correct and strengthen the work for those who have more problems and work ineffectively; and seriously citizen and require correcting attitude and reworking for those who worked impractically; supervise with favorable work style, insist on putting study on the first place, improve the supervision ability, consciously comply with the eight regulations proposed by party central committee and twenty four measures proposed by china guodian corportion, take the lead to oppose the “formalism, bureaucracy, hedonism and extravagancy”, implement the mission and requirements of supervision, reach efficiency, set up and maintain the favorable image of the supervision group of the group company.

  li enyi proposed three requirements on the implementation of meeting spirit: the first is make sure to unify the thinking, strengthen the understanding, practically enhance the sense of responsibility, urgency and mission to carry out the educational practices. after the meeting, each unit shall immediately organize to study and implement the spirit of the meeting, deeply understand, improve the awareness, especially be determined to overcome the disparaging idea, wait-and-see thinking, perfunctory attitude and worried emotion, and truly unify the thinking to the arrangement and deployment of the leading party group of the company; make determination to make a good start according to the schedule of the company; enhance the consensus propaganda, education and guidance, and create favorable environment and thick atmosphere for the smooth development of the practices. the second is to make sure come to the point, enhance the responsibility, and actually guarantee the educational practices will not be reformed, depreciated and deviated. the leading group of all units shall take a good lead, and the main leaders shall strive to improve their understanding, study deeper, practice earlier, and analyze problems better so as to bring the role of organizer, promoter and demonstrator into full play; establish powerful leading and work mechanism, lose no time to study and formulate specific plan, firmly master the theme, overall requirements, target mission, focusing point and basic principles of the practices, and highlight “true”, “in-depth” and “practical” in the three links to make sure the practices can be developed with high standards. the activity leading group office and supervision group shall strength the communication of the supervision group of the group company, enhance the contact with each unit, connect well, grasp the coordination, and perform the duties. particularly, each supervision group shall stick to principle, standards, quality, and master key links, key objects and key requirements to make sure the sturdy promotion of the educational practices. the third is to make sure to highlight practices, enhance the effect, and actually strengthen, focus on and promote both the practice and effect. each unit shall pay attention to handling the relationship between educational practices and strengthening the central work mission, and inspect the practice effect by whether the safety production level and enterprise profitability is improved, whether the development quality and comprehensive strength of the enterprise is improve, whether the satisfaction of mass and harmonious degree of enterprise is improve, and whether the positivity of staff and cohesion of party organization is improved; insist on making overall plan and all-around consideration, reach win-win situation synchronically, and realize the “double-achievements” of educational practice results and development results. meanwhile, during the practices, the units shall be good at digging highlights, summarize experiences, setting up models, promoting achievements and shall make the educational practices become the stage to show longyuan spirits, display longyuan culture and creating longyuan image so as to lay firm foundation for the realizing of “five articles”, “building the internationally first-rate comprehensive power group” and the third venture of the company.

  huang qun proposed five requirements in the speech for the further work: the first is to improve the understanding, and deeply comprehend the significance of educational practices. the company shall, through the effective promotion of the practices, strive to solve the prominent problems reflected by staff and mass, solve the prominent problems in the aspect of primary party organizations serving staff and mass, make various party organizations and leading groups as well as party members and cadres serve the people, and be pragmatic and clean-fingered, bring the party-mass and cadre-mass relationship close, lay the primary foundation firmly, and provide strong guarantee for the realizing of “five articles”, “building the internationally first-rate comprehensive power group” and the third venture of the company. the second is deeply analysis, and truly solve the “formalism, bureaucracy, hedonism and extravagancy” problems during the educational practices. the company shall carefully sort out the problems in aspects of formalism, bureaucracy, hedonism and extravagancy, and try to find out during the practices, and meanwhile each unit shall combine its own actual situation to focus accurately, and disclose the existing problems without reservation so that it can feel shame, find out its own problems and solve them. the third is to stick to the standards, and accurately master the targets and requirements of the educational practices. each unit shall firmly master the general requirements of the practices, and, with the courage to face the problem directly, attitude to change truly, and decision to change immediately, implement the general requirements of “looking into the mirror, straightening dressing, taking a batch, curing the disease” to the entire process and each link of the practices; firmly stick to the theme of the practices, and focusing on the theme of “serve the people, and be pragmatic and clean-fingered” to solve the targeted prominent problems reflected by the mass, and set up a favorable image of “serve the people, and be pragmatic and clean-fingered” during the practices; firmly master the targets and missions of the activity, and centering at the target of “practicing mass line, and solving prominent problems in aspects of formalism, bureaucracy, hedonism and extravagancy”, enhance the primary party organization construction, enhance the work style construction, work hard for realizing the “five articles” and creating “four guodian”, and gather power to build the internationally first-rate new energy listed company; firmly master the focuses of the practices, and conduct one survey, overhaul and cleaning starting from the implementation of “eight regulations” of party central committee, focusing on the solution of problems in aspects of “formalism, bureaucracy, hedonism and extravagancy” and according to the requirements of “earnestness, action, conscientiousness and effect” to truly form habits, conscientiousness and atmosphere; firmly master the basic principles of the practices, and achieve the “five emphasis” i.e. emphasizing on solving prominent problems, creating stable, united, harmonious and positive atmosphere, emphasizing on improving the ability to serve the mass under new situations, emphasizing on guiding by classes and overall promotion, and emphasizing on establishing and completing long-acting system while mastering the “five insistences” of china guodian corporation. the fourth is to coordinate and systematically master the key links of educational practices. the units shall put efforts in the links of study, education and listening the opinions, work hard “truly”, i.e. learning truly, discussing truly, listening truly, and working seriously; focus on the inspection problems, and carry out the link of criticism, and work hard “deeply”, i.e. inspecting deeply, analyzing deeply, criticize deeply and deep to soul; master the link of rectification, implementation and system establishing links, and work hard “practically”, i.e. using practical method, doing practical work, striving for practical effect, down to the ground. the fifth is to pursue actual effect, and strengthen the organizational leadership of the educational practices. each unit shall clarify the job duties, and strengthen the responsibilities of leadership; elaborately organize and implement, and sturdily carry out the practices; continuously accept supervision, and insist on overall planning and all-round consideration; focus on publicity and guidance, create favorable atmosphere and strive for actual effects.

  in the meeting, the participants democratically discussed and appraised the work style of leading group and the group members of the company under the supervision of supervision group from china guodian corporation. 

  the meeting is held by video. the members of the second supervision group of china guodian corporation, the directors and higher leaders of headquarters of china longyuan power, as well as main persons in charge of party affairs of the units and part of employee representative in beijing attended the conference in the main venue while the leading group members and middle management of units not in beijing attended the conference in the branch venue.
