china longyuan power group corporation limtted-尊龙官方平台

china longyuan power wins the first prize of “2013 china electric power science and technology award”

  recently, the technological achievements of china longyuan power, namely “key technology, equipment development and engineering application of new type single pile foundation design and construction for wind power in intertidal area”, won the first prize of 2013 china electric power science and technology award. this award is by far the highest honor china longyuan power has won in the field of science and technology.


  china electric power science and technology award was founded by chinese society for electrical engineering in 2001, with a view to rewarding units and individuals that have made significant contributions in chinese electric power science and technology progress.


  offshore wind power development just starts in china. marine environment has complex conditions while china lacks both appropriate construction equipment and the relevant construction techniques. wind turbine foundation is a key link for offshore wind farm construction and single pile foundation is the most widely applied form in foreign countries due to its simple structure, easy installation and low cost. to ensure the perpendicularity of single pile foundation, single pile with transition section is frequently adopted in foreign countries. however, china longyuan power innovatively adopts single pile foundation without transition section and conducts an innovation research in new type single pile foundation design theory, construction equipment and construction techniques which have been successfully applied in intertidal wind farm construction. owing to this, the foundation cost for wind turbine has been decreased by more than 50% when compared with foreign projects.


  the task was started with jiangsu rudong 30mw intertidal pilot project in 2009 and was completed in 2011, during which it was applied and optimized in longyuan jiangsu rudong 150mw offshore wind power demonstration wind farm and the follow-up projects. china longyuan power conducts a modeling analysis for pile sinking process through optimizing top flange to ensure that single pipe pile flange will not be damaged during pile sinking process. to ensure the perpendicularity of pile body, china longyuan power creatively develops a large rectification and guidance frame that can satisfy pile sinking accuracy of steel pipe pile with diameter less than 6 meters and thus realizes effective orientation and rectification of single pile during piling. the error in perpendicularity is less than 2‰ (international standard 4‰). to satisfy the requirements of offshore construction and ensure smooth construction of new type single pile foundation for offshore wind power, china longyuan power has developed the first multifunctional offshore wind power installation vessel in the world. the company also applies, marine paint coating and and develops the technical requirements and standards for the anti-corrosion of steel structure foundation of offshore wind turbine.


  according to the research and analysis of design institute, the technological achievements can be applied to soft soil seabed and sea areas in jiangsu, shandong, shanghai and hebei, etc. the aforesaid coastal areas have more than 36 million kw of offshore wind power in the national plans, so the achievements have broad application prospects.
