china longyuan power group corporation limtted-尊龙官方平台

china longyuan power holds the labor competition video conference themed by “working energetically for the first quarter and achieving a good start”

   conference site


on jan. 16, china longyuan power held the labor competition video conference themed by “working energetically for the first quarter and achieving a good start” to summarize the “sprinting for four quarters and striving to achieve targets” labor competition, commend advanced collectives and individuals in the competition, and make arrangements for the competition in the first quarter of this year. he shen, member of party leadership group, discipline inspection group leader and chairman of the labor union attended the conference and delivered a speech.

he stressed that, the competition should be guided by solid work of “five articles” and achieve “one guarantee and four comparisons”. in particular, the company should strengthen responsibility and guarantee safety, make efforts to optimize operation, increase revenue and reduce expenditure, focus closely on objectives, and transform work style, compare effectiveness of electric quantity, efficiency, progress and management, continue to consolidate the achievements made in 2013, fully plan for the work in 2014, actively create the work atmospheres of outdoing one another, overcoming difficulties and working hard, and thus achieve a good start for the work in 2014. he also called on leading cadres at all levels to take the lead in the competition, pay close attention to and achieve effectiveness with decisive style, and the spirit of seizing the hour, give full play to and mobilize the staff’s initiative and creativity, and go into the competition with more enthusiasm and higher morale.

a total of more than 180 representatives from the company’s relevant departments and branch units attended the main session and parallel session.
