china longyuan power group corporation limtted-尊龙官方平台

china longyuan power convenes the conference on theoretical matters to plan the work for 2014
stress “four first-class” as core objective, focus on “three preemptions and two innovations”, thoroughly implement “six emphases”, and build a world-class new energy listed company

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  during dec. 26 and 27, china longyuan power convened the conference on theoretical matters in beijing, with a view to thoroughly implementing the spirit of the third plenary session of the 18th cpc central committee, the central economic work conference and the conference on theoretical matters, analyzing the situation the company is facing, discussing the overall work ideas at present and for a period of time to come, and deliberating on the work in 2014. li enyi, president of china longyuan power, and huang qun, secretary of party leadership group attended the conference and gave a keynote speech. company leaders zhang yuan, fei zhi, jia nansong, he shen, zhang baoquan, and chang shihong attended the conference and respectively gave work ideas and recommendations for the work under their charge.  after thoroughly studying and conveying the spirit of the conference on theoretical matters, the overall work ideas for next year and a period of time to come were also reviewed at the conference. in particular, the company should earnestly implement the spirit of the eighteenth national congress of the cpc and the third plenary session of the 18th cpc central committee, fully implement the decisions and deployments of the group corporation, take solid work of “five articles as the orientation, aim at building a world-class new energy listed company, lay more emphasis on strategic guidance and reform and innovation, safety production and economic benefits as well as science and technology support and talent construction, fully promote the comprehensive strength, competitive capacity and anti-risk capacity and thus realize healthy, sustainable and high quality development.

  in his concluding speech, li enyi fully affirmed the achievements the company has made in 2013. he pointed out that the company has earnestly implemented the spirit of the annual working conference and the mid-year working conference, made solid progress in the work, achieved ideal results, and maintained a healthy, sustainable and high-quality development trend under the firm leadership of the group corporations party leadership group and the companys board of directors. the main achievements are: power generation sets a new high level over the same period; profits see steady growth; the preliminary work had made significant achievements; project construction advances steadily; management improvement activity has been deepened continuously; party construction and spiritual civilization construction has been further strengthened.

  after an in-depth analysis of the current situation, li stated that to build a world-class new energy listed company should also achieve first-class efficiency, first-class management, first-class technology, and first-class talents apart from having largest installed wind power capacity in the world. to pursue should insist on efficiency first, strengthen market awareness and competitive awareness, deeply dig into new ways and new measures of increasing profits, and fully promote the profitability of the company. to pursue first-class management should better tackle the situation from strengthening the basis at home and abroad, and continuously promote management level and efficiency from accelerating the transformation of development mode and improving development quality. to pursue first-class technology should give full play to the leading role of science and technology, promote continuous transformation and upgrading, and maintain enterprise competitiveness. to pursue first-class talents should further introduce and cultivate innovative talents that have an international vision as well as professionals that grasp cutting-edge and core technology, constantly optimize the structure of talent team, and promote its comprehensive fighting capacity. to achieve the goal of building a world-class should closely integrate with the companys actual situation, focus on promoting comprehensive strength and core competitiveness, and always live up to six emphases: lay more emphasis on strategic guidance and further optimize development layout; lay more emphasis on reform and innovation and further promote management level; lay more emphasis on safety production and further strengthen ; lay more emphasis on economic benefits and further explore potentials and improve benefits; lay more emphasis on science and technology support and give further play to the core platform; lay more emphasis on talent construction and further improve working standards.

  in the face of the new situation and new tasks, li stressed that the company should focus on the three and two innovations in 2014: preempt resources, firmly grasp approval rights and the key opportunity of the fourth batch of the national approved plans for wind power, further strengthen and deepen the preliminary work, optimize development layout, start a new round of tough fight in preempting resources, and stir up a new upsurge in accelerated development; preempt construction period, strengthenthe group corporation, identify the conditions for commencement of construction and tackle difficult problems in advance, and ensure project construction progress when facing the adverse factors from all aspects of project construction; preempt power generation, strengthen production and operation control, further optimize equipment operation, continuously strengthen equipment management, vigorously conduct marketing, and ensure the leadership of in the locality;management, system and mechanism for prominent problems and key links of inflexible management, focus on top-level design, and further release vitality at work; create excellence in effectiveness, deeply explore the potentials and improve benefits according to the requirements of quality-benefit development, gain benefits from management and technology, and fully promote of the company.

  with respect to the key work in 2014, li stressed the following aspects: third, strive to promote health conditions of the equipment; fourth, strengthen funds management and control; fifth, vigorously conduct ; sixth, improve the operating conditions of other new energy resources; seventh, further improve profit contribution of thermal power. in the development of incremental assets, the company should, first, fully preempt high-quality resources; second, vigorously develop new markets; third, continue to strengthen communication at all levels; fourth, strengthen the working depth in the preliminary work; fifth, fully improve project construction management level; sixth, enhance process control for construction period. in deepening the reform and innovation, the company should, first, make innovations in business management system; second, make innovations in evaluation and motivation mechanism; third, make innovations in recruitment and employment mechanism; fourth, give full play to the core platform of wind power development; fifth, reinforce investor relations management; sixth, strengthen inner control system construction. in strengthening party construction, the company should, first, conduct mass line educational and practical activities; second, continue to advance the building of party members conduct and a clean government; third, standardize income distribution management; fourth, enhance vitality of business growth.

  in his speech, huang qun pointed out that the company should realize five transformations of thinking mode according to the actual situation. the first is to gradually transform from micro to macro thinking mode, and form a thinking habit of considering specific functions or fragmented work from the general environment and trend of the overall development. the second is to gradually transform from one-ideaed to systematic thinking mode, achieve, harmony between upper and lower levels and internal and external balance, and create a harmonious internal and external environment. the third is to gradually transform from passive to proactive thinking mode, enhance forward thinking, distinguish priorities, and advance the work in an orderly manner. the fourth is to gradually transform from accustomed to innovative thinking mode, be bold in and expert at negation and innovation, recognize and consider current work from a new perspective. the fifth is to gradually transform from material-oriented to people-oriented thinking mode, implement people-oriented principle, and make concrete efforts to maintain the most concerned, the most direct, and the most practical interest problems of the masses.

  as for the development, huang made the following requests: first, strengthen the management, strictly match investment plans with project nodes. the company should be strict on the threshold and commencement of projectsaccording to the work ideas for making progress while maintaining stability, pursuing excellence while maintaining stability in group corporation; and all affiliated units should strengthen communication with functional departments at the headquarters and resolutely put an end to investment projects beyond and outside the planning. second, improve quality, strengthen and deepen the preliminary work. the company should classify and evaluate all preliminary projects again, standardize project development process, improve such as project economic evaluation, power network analysis and diction, and accurately determine boundary conditions for project construction. third, balance promoting, improve the operation and incremental development of stock wind power. the company should continuously advance comprehensive benchmarking management, thoroughly explore power generation potentials, and improve equipment availability for stock assets. the company should also focus on key links such as resource assessment, micro-sitting selection, equipment selection and design optimization, facts and make decisions based on data, and further improve the accuracy of project estimates for incremental assets. fourth, make plans in advance, strengthen the preliminary work, and optimize development layout. the company should strive to preempt more high-quality resources according to strategic demands, pay close attention to the fourth batch of approved plans of the national energy administration and delivery of large wind power bases, and ensure that the preliminary work takes the lead in all provinces.

  in respect to party construction, huang made the following five requests: first, strengthen responsibility, further promote the scientific level of party construction. the company should have the awareness of contending for excellence, pay attention to brand building of party construction, and consolidate and expand grassroots organizations. party members and cadres, especially leaders at all levels should always maintain political consciousness and behavioral resolution. second, attach importance to effectiveness, earnestly conduct s mass line educational and practical activities, make concrete efforts to advance the work by virtue of transformation in working style, learn from the good experience and good practices of china guodian corporations first batch of educational and practical activities, earnestly fulfill the specific duties, and made innovations combined with the characteristics and practicality of new energy enterprises. third, stick to the guidance, and continuously enhance the effectiveness of enterprise culture construction. the company should give further play to the leading role of culture, build external image and improve internal quality, strengthen social responsibility consciousness and responsibility management, continue to advance china longyuan powers green care action, and strive to create a harmonious business atmosphere. fourth, encourage innovations, and play a role based on the labor union and . the company should strengthen the work concept of “” and development benefiting workers and staff, organize a variety of cultural activities, and unclog channels for the contact with the party and government as well as staff and workers. fifth, continuous improvement, continue to improve the inner control system of anti-corruption. the company should resolutely investigate any and all cases involving violation against the discipline, develop good habits of thrift, promote the conscientiousness of improving working style, and create a good atmosphere of advocating self-discipline.

  other leading group members also proposed work ideas and measures for their work at present and for a period of time to come. at the conference, the groups had an earnest discussion and gave many constructive opinions and suggestions for the work in 2014. corporate operation and legal affairs department, safety production department, planning & development department, engineering construction department and finance and property right department also delivered special speeches. as a whole, this conference has demonstrated efficient, practical and thrifty conference styles. 

  chief engineer and president assistant of china longyuan power, and the relevant department heads of the headquarters and affiliated units attended the conference.


