china longyuan power group corporation limtted-尊龙官方平台

mi shuhua comes to investigate in china longyuan power






  on june 18, mi shuhua, member of the leading party group of china guodian corporation, vice-president and director of the working committee paid an investigation visit to china longyuan power, accompanied by li enyi, president of china longyuan power, huang qun, its party secretary, chen naizhuo, executive deputy director of the working committee of china guodian corporation, liu lianyu, deputy director of the planning and development department of china guodian corporation, zhu zhengang, deputy director of the international cooperation and overseas business department of china guodian corporation, and other leading figures of china longyuan power including zhang yuan, li hongmei, jia nansong and he shen.    

  mi shuhua first visited the carbon asset company longyuan carbon assets, longyuan consultant company, longyuan power technology and zhong neng, four subsidiaries of china longyuan power located in beijing. after learning in detail about their operation and development, mi highly appreciated their achievements in cdm development, micro-sitting selection, repair and maintenance, and wind measurement in the early stage. at the investigation symposium, after hearing the work report of china longyuan power, mi shuhua full affirmed the achievements this company has made in 2013, at the same time, he put forwards the new requirements and hopes: first, continue to optimize the wind power layout and intensify the project development in areas where power supply is not rationed. china longyuan power should continue to vie for the development opportunities in the offshore, high-altitude and low-wind-speed areas, speed up the pace of project development in inland areas where no power brownout is imposed, in particular work harder to develop the offshore wind power, give full scope to its first-mover advantage in this regard and make greater efforts in the preliminary work so as to achieve sustainable development. second, strengthen investment management and implement the investment plan to the letter. in recent years, as the investment scale of china longyuan power kept expanding, efforts should be made to strengthen investment management, strictly carry out the investment plan, bring its leading role into play, and pay more attention to scientific feasibility studies of projects. meanwhile, efforts should also be made to do a good job in project evaluation after investment, give priority to developing the projects with good economic returns and high return on investment in order to maintain the pioneering advantages of this company. third, strengthen project construction management and ensure that projects can run for commercial purpose as soon as possible after going into operation while avoiding projects to be put high on the shelf. fourth, innovate the management mode and reduce the operation cost. china longyuan power should boost the field management of wind power stations and work harder to make innovations in management mode so as to continuously lower the operation cost. fifth, reinforce the management of safety production and guarantee the accomplishment of annual objectives and tasks. all the staff members of china longyuan power should make concerted efforts in dealing with the problem of power brownout and try to complete the scheduled generating capacity at the end of the year. sixth, beef up the marketing efforts and do a good job in collecting electricity charges. strengthened efforts should be made in coordinating the work in a bid to collect the electricity charges in full and timely, save the financial expense and reduce the cash flow risk.     

  after reviewing the achievements china longyuan power has made this year, li enyi reported the problems plaguing the development of new energy sector and china longyuan power’s operation to mi shuhua. as to the next steps, li came up with four proposals: first, further optimize the development layout. efforts should be made in doing in-depth research and making comprehensive analysis of the assimilative capacity of electricity consumption on the basis of local power grid output planning to ensure the long-term sustainable development. second, improve the production capacity of stock assets. efforts should be made in intensifying the special electricity assessment, further optimizing equipment operation, and improving the generating capacity of equipments for generating more electricity. third, perfect the technology supporting system. efforts should be made in giving full play to the role of china longyuan power’s ten technology service supporting systems, constantly developing new technology applications and building the brand of china longyuan power as a high-tech enterprise. fourth, accelerate engineering construction. hard work should be done to strengthen the control of the process, introduce standard management during the construction period, actively coordinate and solve the problems existing in the key links including the tender offer, foundation construction and hoisting so that the project under construction is controllable. as for how to maintain china longyuan power’s advantages in sustainable development, huang qun pointed out that efforts should be made to assess the situation, inspect projects’ profitability in the light of development and actively reserve the established projects according to the power grid planning of the areas subject to power brownout while developing the good projects in the areas not suffering from power brownouts. meanwhile, attention should be paid to the proper pace of investment and rational use of the funds so that the resources can be pooled together to solve some major problems. the preliminary work should be carried out according to local conditions. for those projects which are still not sure, sufficient demonstration is a must to prevent investment risk.        

  other members of the leading group of china longyuan power respectively presented concrete measures on what to do next and suggestions for china guodian corporation. relevant department heads of china guodian corporation and leaders of the headquarters of china longyuan power and its subsidiaries located in beijing accompanied the investigation group all the time. 
