china longyuan power group corporation limtted-尊龙官方平台

“a date with spring” – a party for young singles successfully held in china longyuan power

  he shen delivered a speech


  a shot of the activity


  planting trees


  enjoying warm weather with spring blossoms. during the two days from april 26 to april 27, sponsored by the labor union and youth league committee of china longyuan power, the activity titled “a date with spring” was hosted by the for the young singles. he shen, member of the leading party group, head of the discipline inspection group and chairman of the labor union of china longyuan power, attended the opening ceremony and took the floor. a total of more than 80 young women and men from china longyuan power and the beijing-based subsidiaries of china guodian corporation participated in this event.

  in recent years, due to the accelerating pace of life and growing working pressure, more and more young men find that falling into love and getting married have become a hard nut to crack for them. given this, china longyuan power specially organized this activity in an attempt to build a platform for the young people to show their own personality, communicate with each other, make friends and even find their love.

  on the afternoon of april 26, from the trip by bus to the party at night, all the participants were active and energetic, creating a warm and friendly atmosphere. the games and activities they were involved in were well-designed and interesting, including doing the aerobics, happy 1+1, being of one heart, talent show, trying to be in tune and happy big bang. in addition, these young men also presented wonderful performances such as instrument ensemble, magic, singing both solo and duet, fully showing their talents. the last link of the party - “finding your love” witnessed six couples professing their love. it was already midnight. the young men were still reluctant to leave for sleeping. they built up a campfire, dancing, singing and playing games around it. the red fire lit up their young and happy faces.

  on april 27, they planted trees together, which helped them have a better understanding of each other. the more than 30 saplings they planted not only symbolized friendship and hope but also witnessed romantic love, pure friendship, and …

  after the event, the participants completed the questionnaires. they all highly praised the activity, saying that it was really well-organized and rich in content and achieved good results. moreover, this activity helped expand their social circle and added fuels to the future work and life, they added.

  this event is actually an attempt that china longyuan power made to further promote the “green care action” and intensify the construction of home culture in order to serve the young employees in a down-to-earth manner. this company will always set great store to caring for employees, adhere to the policy of putting the people first and building a harmonious enterprise and work hard to turn longyuan into a source of happiness for its employees.

