china longyuan power group corporation limtted-尊龙官方平台

china longyuan power works hard to promote financial information construction

  on april 11, china longyuan power convened the kick-off meeting for financial information construction, marking the formal start of its financial information construction project. li hongmei, member of its party leadership group and chief accountant, and zhang baoquan, member of its party leadership group and vice-president attended the meeting.


  at the meeting, li hongmei delivered an important speech in which she expounded the great significance of financial information construction for the company to improve financial management, strengthen internal risk control, and sharpen core competitiveness. for the project construction, li put forward four proposals: first, unify thoughts and effectively fulfill the responsibilities; second, guarantee the construction quality and bring construction risks under control; third, strengthen communication and collaboration and improve application effect; and fourth, strictly follow the management philosophy of intensifying enterprise internal control during construction.  


  the meeting declared the list of china longyuan power’s financial information construction leading group and its members. it also made clear about the project’s organizations, objectives, implementation plans and plans of those milestone points in different stages, laying a solid foundation to push forward the construction of financial information system in an active and prudent manner. the technical staff of ygsoft gave a comprehensive introduction of financial information systematic framework and its application effect. its president was also present at the meeting to show his great determination in supporting china longyuan power to carry forward this project.   


  financial information construction is a key part of the overall information construction effort in this company. its success will help modern financial management play a central role in the production and operation of this company, and leading to the continuous improvement of its overall management. the leader in charge of financial work and relevant financial staff from the parent company also attended the meeting via video.

