china longyuan power group corporation limtted-尊龙官方平台

china longyuan power remains the second in the world in terms of installed capacity of wind power

  the latest statistical data released by btm of denmark shows that, as of the end of 2012, china longyuan power continued to be the world’s second largest wind power operator with the installed capacity of 10,544mw, further narrowing the gap with the top wind power operator in the world.

  iberdrola renovables from spain ranked first because its installed capacity of wind power hit 13,619mw in 2012. among the global 15 wind power companies, china longyuan power witnessed the fastest increase in installed capacity. its new installed capacity was up to 1,599mw in 2012; that of iberdrola renovables stayed at 345mw; and that of nextera energy resources which came in third on the list was 1,488mw.

  moreover, among the top 15, there are seven coming from china. of them, datang renewables, huaneng renewables and csec guohua energy investment respectively ranked sixth, seventh and tenth, with the installed capacity of wind power respectively being 5,669mw, 5,457mw and 4,232mw.

