china longyuan power group corporation limtted-尊龙官方平台

trickle of affection merging into great love
--- true record of staff mutual aid fund in china longyuan power in 2012

 a letter for help

  one day in march, there was a chill in the air in early spring when ice started to melt. wang minggang put down the phone and was deeply suppressed at the bottom of his heart. his wife was in ningxia and told him on the phone that the doctor found a tumor of 8.8x10cm in her right kidney when she had a health examination in the hospital, which was like a bolt from the blue, making wang minggang, a northeastern man, suddenly depressed.

  in 2008, he was transferred from ningxia shizuishan electric power generation co. ltd. to longyuan (bayannao'er) project company and worked in siwangziqi and other remote wind farms with hard conditions in inner mongolia. he was the backbone of the business and served as the shift supervisor and the deputy plant manager and other duties as well as participated in the project commissioning and post-operational work in the whole process. in march 2012, he was transferred to longyuan (shanxi) company to participate in a wind power project commissioning as required by the work. due to his long-term work outside the home, the household affairs were mainly managed by his laid-off wife. he was originally most worried about his daughter who was about to take the college entrance examination this year, and now once his wife broke down, who would take care of his daughter and her future ...

  his panicky mood was soon noticed by the leader of shanxi company. after knowing the details, the leader immediately decided to send a car to send wang minggang to taiyuan airport first so that he could take the earliest flight to yinchuan and went home in the shortest time, bringing the comfort from the husband and father to this family suffering from misfortune suddenly.

  unfortunately, half a month of hospitalization checks, wang minggang waited for a more unbearable blow. the doctor informed wang minggang of the final diagnosis that his wife had been diagnosed with late-stage kidney cancer and the lesion had spread to the surrounding organs, the best surgical period had missed and the only way to prolong the life was conservative treatment relying on drugs and injections. in order to save his wife's life and the family, wang minggang accepted this reality bearing the pain. however, it would cost as much as 60,000 yuan each month to take “sorafenib tosylate” and “interferon alpha-2b injection”, both costly cancer drugs, which reduced an originally happy family suddenly to the edge of bankruptcy.

  because his wife did not have medical insurance and the social medical security had not been perfect yet, wang minggang spent all the savings of many years and asked for a loan from his relatives and friends and financed from many channels, but the high medical expenses were still unsustainable. after much hesitation, wang minggang finally picked up the pen and wrote a letter to his leader of longyuan group whom he served for many years for help.

  his misfortune was drawn great attention and deep sympathy from the leaders and employees of the company. in fact, longyuan company had started to pay attention and think about how to solve the serious life difficulties brought by family tragedies to employees years ago.

  as an important force of emerging energy, wind power companies have some different characteristics with traditional power generation companies in terms of space and geography. many wind farms are far away from the economic centers, in the remote and wild and underdeveloped areas with poor natural conditions, and many local staff of these areas is not very wealthy. although the company has been committed to improve the working environment of the wind farms, due to some objective factors, a large gap still exists between the supporting infrastructure around the wind farms and the power generation companies in the urban peripheral areas. how to make the employees leaving their homes to get rid of the sense of alienation in the working environment away from the city bustling, how to improve the work environment and the cultural life of the wind farm environment, and how to solve the worries of the front-line employees so that they can feel at ease and comfortable to work, all these are the issues which the leadership of longyuan company has been concerned for a long time.

sound is as clear as young phoenix’s

  almost at the same time when wang minggang sent the letter to the organization for help, a massive “staff mutual aid fund” raising activity was fully developed in the whole company.

  early in april 2011, in order to effectively integrate the development strategy of the group company into the management, cut it into the business and put it into practice and to achieve the common corporate vision of “home · stage · dream”, china longyuan power launched the “green care action” plan with the theme of “three carings” (caring about the employees, caring about the enterprise and caring about the society). among which, “caring about the employees” was placed in the first position of this plan which was of milestone meaning. longyuan stressed that, “caring about the employees” was to focus on the principle of talent-orientation, enjoying harmony together and promoting the work. the company should first improve the employee’s working conditions, attach importance to their development, protect their health, enrich their cultural life and care about their families so as to solve completely the actual problems of the employees, fully stir up their work passion and enthusiasm, and enable them to willingly participate in the construction of a common home and undertaking.

  in order to create more channels for relief to the company’s employees in difficulties, in july 2012, the company took the initiative to establish the “staff mutual aid fund” and developed the management measures on staff mutual aid fund at the same time, as well as issued the staff mutual contributions written proposal, calling on all the cadres and employees to develop the fine traditions of unifying together, loving and helping each other and to actively and enthusiastically participate in the mutual fund raising activity.

  to do well is urgent and immediate. the written proposal was read out quickly in the theme activity, the sound was as clear as young phoenix’s, genuine and sincere:

  “all employees: we all are the people of longyuan, in the same blue sky, bathing in the warm sun together...

  mutual help is affection, mutual help is love, mutual help is impartation and mutual help is dedication...

  under the influence of the homeland culture, please lend a helping hand, and give your care, so that love can be shared commonly and people in trouble can support each other. we believe that your care can make dry flowers re-bloom; poor families get rid of the embarrassment of the moment, and a broken heart raise the sailing with courage. we further believe that mutual fund helping an employee each time will warm a family and touch a group; meanwhile, each recipient will definitely feel grateful to the love and pass on such love to others, which is exactly the source of endless staff mutual assistance!

  we shall cherish each of your sincere donations, thank your every charity help and ensure that your love will be sent to every hand really needing help, so as to achieve the “depending upon each other”, a warm and solemn commitment!

  like a tossed stone raises a thousand ripples, the written proposal aroused strong repercussions in the vast employees of china longyuan power. from beijing to the local place, from the fujian coast to daxing'anling and from the east sea to the western land, all branches and wind farms in longyuan took the action. all employees said that this important policy of benefiting the people put forward by the group company carried forward the chinese traditional virtues of “when disaster struck, help came from all sides” and “all for one, and one for all”, won the hearts of all and hoped to do their bit to help the brothers and sisters and their families within the system when they encounter difficulties.

  a train runs fast entirely by right of its front engine. all companies’ and grassroots units’ leaders attached great importance to this matter, conducted the work arrangements, the extensive propaganda and mobilization, posted the written proposal, hung promotional banners, set up donation boxes, and took initiative to develop related theme activities in the shortest time.

  hebei longyuan's theme was “sharing love together and helping each other in trouble”; xinjiang company's theme was “love donations and endless love in longyuan”; fujian longyuan's theme was “caring with heart, helping each other and building harmony”; while inner mongolia longyuan's theme was “passing love and dedicating you and me”, and jiangsu company's theme was “small streams merging into the river, and staying together to bridge over the difficulties”... each different theme merged into a melody, that was, trickle of affection merged into great love.

  in the theme activities, leaders at all levels gave the full support, and the union president himself advocated and read out the written proposal and contributed generously, setting set a good example. party members and cadres took the lead and played an exemplary role of the vanguard. in the fund raising process, a large number of activists appeared and touching scenes emerged one after another. taking zhang xiaolei in anhui longyuan for example, his brother was hemiplegic and parents were farmers and brothers and sisters had no income, so the heavy burden undoubtedly fell to him, however, he did not care for his family difficulties, and positively responded to the company’s call and participated in the fund-raising activity. despite the dispersed and remote locations of the projects at all stages of the company, after receiving the notice, many people came to the company to participate in activities ignoring the long distance and difficult trek. even that some employees on vacation returned to the company to donate their love after hearing the information.

  a donation is a love and a hope. trickle-down streams merged into the ocean, nourishing the earth, endless!

  the development of the series of fund-raising activities enabled all employees of the company to feel the warmth from the big family longyuan and experience again that the beautiful vision of “home · stage · dream” was by their side. as of the end of august, a total number of 3,456 workers from 38 units of the company participated in the mutual help activities and totally 525,860 yuan of fund was raised.

feeling warm in winter

  the project companies carried out thorough screening on the most needy workers combined with their practical conditions respectively, created profiles of the most needy workers and reported the key target people to the department concerned through contrast and screening while the fund raising activity was under way in accordance with the requirements of china longyuan power.

  the first plenary meeting of the mutual fund management committee of the company workers was held on november 13.the committee members strictly examined the reporting materials from various regions on this meeting, established the first batch of target people and amount, and further stressed that we should offer to help the needy workers in the future, create profiles for workers in need of long-term assistance, and implement dynamic focus.

  the weather was so cold that the ground was frozen in mid-winter, but it was like spring breeze blowing all over longyuan companies in various regions, making it full of warmth. the first batch of relief fund was issued to the recipients.

  liu jianqing, a worker from longyuan (shanxi) company, an introverted girl, came from a farmer's family lacking richness. she joined the longyuan company immediately after being graduated from university, hard studying, diligent working, looked forward to share sorrows for parents, and started her own little world for a better future. however, as she was striving with confidence in the new life course, a surprising hit headed directly towards her. in the physical examination, she found that she was suffering from an extremely rare rheumatoid immune system disease - dermatomyositis (commonly known as amyosthenia). being childlike at the beginning, she didn't tell the state of illness to anyone, including her parents, and imagined that she could pull through by her own strength. but later, her health status was on the slide, making her being unable to hide the state of illness any longer.

  after heart communication by sincere words and earnest wishes with the unit leaders, liu was finally admitted to the hospital, but the haze in her heart was not dispelled at one blow. lying on the hospital bed, her heart was full of confusion, loss, sometimes even in deep despair. expensive medical examination charge, maintenance for parents, personal job prospects...a multitude of things, how to deal with, made her become troubled.

  unit leaders and colleagues deeply worried about her who was bedridden. visits and condolences over and over again scattered the dark clouds enveloping the heart, just like vernal spring breeze. it was another sunny day, liu was spirited up again. caring and incentive words, colleagues' donations and support, made her filled with gratitude, have no way to put into words. what especially made her overjoyed is that the unit had applied to the group company for staff mutual aid fund up to 20,000 yuan for her, which helped her in a lot of extremely urgencies. in her own words, "god is fair, when he closes a window, he will open another window for you."

  there were 15 workers funded by staff mutual aid fund like liu in 2012, these help brought not only the material support and ease of practical problems, what's more, it brought mentally great courage and comfort for workers in trouble, made them have more confidence to overcome and go tide over the difficulties with their families, and also made them feel the company's care and warmth of mutual help and love between colleagues at their lowest ebb. it greatly enhanced all workers' coagulative power in passionating in their job and gratituding the company, and built a harmonious atmosphere of a big company family.

make longyuan full of love

  after more than three months of treatment and recuperation, liu jianqing's body gradually began to recover. this sudden illness brought her a serious and deep value-focused thinking, made her have personal experiences of the profound connotation of "home · stage · dream" once again, and it also injected a new meaning in her young life. our society was not indifferent, still full of sunshine and warmth. our company was not a cold profit machine at all, but a practitioner of the socialist core value system. the progress of the corporate was born in the pursuit of ambitious dreams, rather than only the growth of economic benefit.

  there is great love displayed in the world, the deepest love lies in longyuan. while thanking her relatives for living with her forever and taking care of her in her own indisposition, liu jianqing felt more grateful to the special care and emotional help of the group leaders, labor union organization, unit leaders and colleagues to her, and thanked for this great spiritual and material support to help her pass the most difficult time in the life. such support made her see the goodness of career and life again, and made her even more certain of her faith of self-improvement struggle and taking the path of her life!

  like other needy workers, wang minggang, who was once stuck in a dilemma, was funded by the staff mutual aid fund up to 20,000 yuan, and this was undoubtedly timely help for a family almost without any savings. organizational care and financial support made wang minggang feel particularly warm, what he took was not only life-saving money, but confidence and strength to overcome difficulties. in the face of the company's "pure mother's love", he was filled with joy and gratitude, took the pen again, lovingly wrote a thank-you note to the company leadership with simple words, in order to express personal heartfelt gratitude to the corporate and colleagues:

  "as my family life is at the lowest ebb, the head office and branch company leaderships learn about my situation. the head office, shanxi branch, ningxia branch and mengxi branch leaderships personally came to my home, held out a helping hand and gave economic and spiritual help and comfort, made me feel the organization's care and love, feel the warmth of the big company family, and made me feel the pure "mother's love". though i have no ability to repay the company leaders' grace at present, but company leaders, please believe that, i will be bound to exert all my strengths in work in the future, pay back the company with excellent performance, and live up to the company leaders' care and love to me."

  two persons share one apple, and each person can only get half of the apple. two persons share love, everyone get a love, but if everyone shares the love, then the world is full of love.

tomorrow will be better

  making longyuan the source of happiness for workers, this is not only a useful expression in the mouths of leading cadres in china longyuan power, but their determined action. the staff mutual aid fund plan set up in order to fulfill the idea of "care for employees" is the major innovative measures of china longyuan power to implement the social responsibility of a state-owned corporate in real earnest, but also a bold attempt of the state-owned corporate to explore and broaden a relief channel for needy workers. it inherits the chinese folk tradition of mutual assistance and aid as well as the spirit of helping the poor, imports the management mechanism and methods of modern philanthropy, effectively compensates for the negative effects brought by insufficient social security mechanism within a certain range, so as to alleviate the economic difficulties brought to some workers in the corporate due to personal or family accidents. it draws hearts close, stabilizes the team, harmonizes the environment, and creates social benefits of rich connotation, great significance and good performance.

  at present, the staff mutual aid fund plan of china longyuan power is just a newborn infant. we believe that it will grow up healthily and robustly toward the rising sun, soar like an eagle, and head for a more perfect, more lasting, more ambitious goal for a better tomorrow.

