china longyuan power group corporation limtted-尊龙官方平台

china longyuan power holds the first session of the second congress of workers and staff & 2013 working conference
focus on the transformation development, reinforcement management and reform and innovation, comprehensively start a new situation for a third venture

  congress scene


  xie changjun is delivering the speech of president's report


  huang qun is delivering concluding remarks


  signing 2013 objective responsibilities


  the representatives of the “advance unit” are accepting the awards


  the representatives of the “four good” leading groups prize-winning units are accepting the awards


  the representatives of prize-winning units for "president award fund" are accepting the awards


  the representatives of the excellent employees are accepting the awards


  from feb. 26 – 28, the first session of the second conference of workers and staff & 2013 working conference of china longyuan power group corporation limited was held in beijing. in this meeting, it comprehensively summarized the work and main achievements and experiences in 2012, analyzed the current situations, and confirmed the development objectives and key emphasis in work in 2013. mr. xie changjun, the vice-president of china guodian corporation, member of leading party group, and the prisident of china longyuan power, huang qun, the secretary of leading party group of china longyuan power, and the company leaders including zhang yuan, li hongmei, fei zhi, jia nansong, he shen and zhang baoquan attended the conference. xie changjun delivered the prisident’s work report in the conference and huang qun delivered the concluding remarks. 


  in the meeting, mr. xie delivered the work report themed as “focus on the transformation development, reinforcement management and reform and innovation, and comprehensively start a new situation for a third venture”. he pointed out that in 2012 under the solid leadership of the leading party group and board of directors of china guodian corporation, the company system conscientiously implemented the annual working conference’s spirits, made steady headway for various work in accordance with the guiding ideology of “insist on one main line, strive for two breakthroughs, perfect three mechanisms, implement four focuses and realize five guarantees”, and reached favorable achievements in each aspect of work through the hard work of all staffs. it can be shown by: firstly full staffs actively cope with the adverse situations and maintain the favorable operation status; secondly the achievement of the preliminary work is obvious and the development quality continuously improves; thirdly the engineering construction progresses steadily, and the installing scale takes the lead continuously; fourthly seizing the power quantity achieves results, and the safe production keeps stable; fifthly the scientific and technological innovation achievements are abundant, and the technical support strengthens constantly; sixthly human resource management deepens continuously and the talent guarantee is more powerful; seventhly the ideological and political work strengthens increasingly and the enterprise concept of harmony enjoys popular support.


  mr. xie said that in the past year the company braved difficulties, innovated, achieved great results, and offered a significant tribute to the twentieth anniversary of the establishment of the company. especially when looking back to the ten years’ new energy exploration of china longyuan power in this important historical node, many data witness the path the company taken and the results it achieved. in this decade, china longyuan power walked along the road of unconventional development with rapid expansion, the road of innovative development representing the new technological reform, and the road of stable operation guaranteeing the maintenance and appreciation of the state-owned assets. it formed four “longyuan experiences” of “leading strategy, solid foundation, process control and professional management”: the first is to insist the correct development strategy, and firmly assure the first priority of the development, which is the foundation for china longyuan power to become bigger and more powerful; the second is to insist on the priority of scientific planning, and lay solid foundation for the preliminary work, which is the premise for china longyuan power to become more powerful and excellent; the third is to ensure safety and quality, which is the important basis for the stable operation of china longyuan power; the fourth is to insist on implementing professional management, and ceaselessly improve technology level, which is the core warranty for the healthy and sustainable development of china longyuan power. 


  after deeply analyzing the current situations and the problems the company faces now, mr. xie put forward the development thought and objectives in 2013. he pointed out that the overall thought for the work of china longyuan power in 2013 was to: deeply implement the spirit of “with scientific development as the theme, with the acceleration of economic development method as the main line and with improving economic growth quality and benefit as the center” proposed in the 18th national congress of ccp and the central economic working conference, accelerate the transformation development of the enterprise, overall launch the third venture of china longyuan power, arrange work in accordance with the thought of “six insists and six improves”, and ensure the healthy and sustainable development of the company under the solid leadership of the leading party group and board of directors of china guodian corporation and with the economic benefits as the center.


  mr. xie emphasized that in 2013 the company will focus on the work in the following aspects: the first is to insist on the strategic transformation to improve the sustainable development capacity; the second is to insist on digging the potential benefits to improve the profitability of the enterprise; the third is to insist on professional management to improve the core competitiveness of the enterprise; the fourth is to insist on the stable operation to improve the risk prevention and control capacity of the enterprise; the fifth is to insist on scientific and technological innovation to improve the technical supporting capacity; the sixth is to insist on the harmonious development to improve the soft strength of the enterprise.


  huang qun comprehensively concluded the achievements in this conference in his speech: firstly it summed up the experiences; secondly it strengthened confidence; thirdly it assured the direction; fourthly it assigned the objectives; fifthly it added motivation. 


  mr. huang proposed six pieces of opinions on how to implement the conference spirits: the first is to assure the policies and continuously keep the leading strategy; the second is to consolidate the achievements, and keep the leading management, technology and benefits; the third is to consolidate the achievements, and keep the leading management, technology and benefits; the fourth is to insist on innovation and improve the core competitiveness of the enterprise; the fifth is to serve the overall interests, and constantly improve the scientific party construction level; the sixth is insist on people first and vigorously carry forward the enterprise culture with longyuan characteristics.


  mr. huang emphasized that the year 2013 is the first year to overall implement the spirit of the 18th national congress of ccp, and it will be heavy responsibilities for the company to realize the development strategies. china longyuan power will be confident and resolute to complete the tasks of the whole year, insist on being realistic and pragmatic, and down-to-earth, rise spirit, gather positive powers, keep leading strategy, management, technology and benefits, conduct real practice and solid work, tackle difficulties, promote the work for a new stage, and strive to create the new situation for the scientific development of the company under the solid leadership of leading party group and the board of directors of china guodian corporation.


  in the conference, the president’s work report and the special reports of departments concerned were discussed by various groups and submitted to the plenary session of presidium for consideration, and it passed relevant resolutions for the president’s work report, report on 2012 comprehensive plan implementations & 2013 comprehensive plan arrangement of china longyuan power, report on 2012 financial budget implementations & 2013 financial budget arrangement of china longyuan power, and implementation rules on enterprise annuity. six units including hebei branch, xinjiang branch, jiangsu branch, yunnan branch, jiangsu offshore and zhongneng delivered speeches as exchange. in the conference, all subordinates assessed the 2012 objective responsibility system and signed the 2013 objective responsibilities.


  in the conference, it rewarded 2012 advanced units, 2012 “four goods” leading groups, 2012 “president award fund”, and 2012 excellent employees; meanwhile it circulated the award winners of “ten advanced groups with outstanding contributions” of the tenth anniversary of china guodian corporation, “ten outstanding figures and hundred excellent employees” of the tenth anniversary of china guodian corporation in 2012, as well as multiple other honors in 2012 objective responsibility assessment including advanced units, “four goods” leading groups, 2012 president award fund, and may 1st labor award and advanced labor union of the national energy chemical system.             


  assistant of the president, persons in charge of all departments, major principals for party policy of all subordinate units, and the representatives of the second conference of workers and staff attended the conference.

