china longyuan power group corporation limtted-尊龙官方平台

china longyuan power holds a forum


  a shot of the conference


  zhu yongpeng was delivering an important speech


  xie changjun was delivering a speech 


  huang qun was delivering a speech


  from 17 to 18 of january 2013, china longyuan power held a forum successfully. zhu yongpeng, president and vice secretary of the party leadership group of china guodian corporation, attended the forum and delivered an important speech. leaders as follows also attended the forum: xie changjun, president assistant of china guodian corporation, and president and vice secretary of the party leadership group of china longyuan power; yang guang, director of science and comprehensive industry department of china guodian corporation; huang qun, secretary of the party leadership group and vice president of china longyuan power; tao jianhua, president of guodian jiangsu company, and president and secretary of the party committee of jiangyin sulong company; zhang lidong, deputy director of hydropower and new energy department of china guodian corporation, and leaders of china longyuan power including zhang yuan, li hongmei, fei zhi, he shen and zhang baoquan.

  zhu yongpeng said that china longyuan power is a leading company of domestic new energy industry, the mainstay and the pride of china guodian corporation as well as the pride of china. in the first ten years of its development, taking the advantage of the market that had just opened to the outside world, the company had acquired its first booty through successfully issuing overseas bond and investing fund in two thermal power plants. in this way, it developed its sense of capital operation and laid a foundation for the future development. in the next ten years, the company made decisive act and realized a great development by combining the external situation, opportunity with its own ability and advantages. the leaders of the company are strong in execution and effective in combat. the rapid development of the company in the recent years not only resulted from the favorable situation of the country and the support of the whole china guodian corporation, but also from the hard work of the leadership groups of the company.

  zhu yongpeng pointed out that the company had formed a good corporate spirit in its long process of development, namely excellent tradition of hard work, market sense of continuous innovation, corporate idea of loyalty and trustworthiness, efficient and rigorous work style, untied and harmonious work environment, and pursuit of being excellence. it is this kind of corporate spirit that has supported the company’s continuous development and therefore we should try our best to carry forward it.

  five requirements and hopes concerning the future development of china longyuan power as follows have been proposed by mr. zhu: first, it is to carry out a diversified energy development and stick firmly to the development of new energy. china guodian corporation will increase its investment in the development of new energy. china longyuan power should continue to greatly develop wind power, actively seize resources and optimize the industry deployment of new energy; second, it is to implement reform and innovation as well as improve the level of scientific management. it is to intensify the whole process management of safe production, optimize operation management, improve equipment management, regulate project construction management, deepen financial management as well as effectively enhance the level of standard, systemized and regulated management; third, it is to maintain the leading position and try its best to build longyuan brand. it is to enhance the innovation ability of operation, construction, market and capital, fortify technical research and development, maintain the leading position of technology, improve core competitiveness and promote the increase of brand value; fourth, it is to improve people’s livelihood and build a good home. while create benefit and value for the shareholders, it is to stick to human oriented idea and give more emphasis on ensuring and improving people’s livelihood so as to create promising life for the employees, share the achievements of enterprise development with all the employees and realize its “home.stage.dream” vision; lastly, it is to look for talents and continuously fortify team building. talents are the cornerstone of enterprise development. it is to continuously deepen talent cultivation mechanism so as to make a good career plan for the staff and offer more opportunities to the young staff.

  xie changjun pointed out that under the correct leadership of china guodian corporation, china longyuan power had made significant achievements in the following aspects in 2012: first, it has succeeded in overseas re-financing; second, its installed capacity of wind power has surpassed 10000mw; third, it continues to optimize the deployment of wind power; fourth, it takes the lead in the level of wind power production in the industry; fifth, it has fortified its ability of fund control; sixth, it has made new achievements in cdm projects; lastly, it has promoted its integration of the management of regional companies in an orderly way.

mr. xie believed that great changes had taken place in the external and internal conditions faced by the company. opportunities and favorable conditions coexist with challenges and unfavorable conditions. the company should correctly grasp the situation and continue to promote its transformation development. apart from that, mr. xie proposed the idea of “five insistences and five improvements” as follows: first, it is to stick to strategic transformation and improve sustainable development ability; second, it is to adhere to tapping potentials and enhancing efficiency so as to improve its profitability; third, it is to carry on professional management and strengthen the core competitiveness of the company; fourth, it is to keep implementing scientific innovations and fortify its technical service ability; lastly, it is to insist on harmonious development and elevate the soft power of the company.

huang qun said that great changes had taken place since the second half of 2011. on one hand, the country has passed a series of policies to encourage wind power development. however, there is still the uncertainty of policy implementation. on the other hand, the competition among wind power enterprises has changed from that of the storage of wind power resources, grid connection and installed capacity to that of comprehensive power centered on strategy, management, technology and benefit. the risk of project investment has become higher and the entry threshold of the industry has been increased. therefore, wind power development has entered into a new stage. in order to realize its sustainable development of new energy industry, mr. huang put forward the following suggestions: first, it is to study the policy orientation of the country and continue to maintain its strategic leading position; second, it is to implement its delicacy management and practice its skills with great effort so as to keep its leading position of management, technology and benefit; third, it is to fortify cooperation and make use of the overall advantage of guodian’s new energy business; fourth, it is to set up and improve the management mode as well as the evaluation and award mechanism of wind power development that can match with the current situation; lastly, it is to improve people’s livelihood and continue to carry out “green care” action.

at the forum, other members of the company’s leadership group made speeches concerning their own duties; department concerned made a report on the compilation of 2013 plan; departments of the company’s headquarter and the units under the company made speeches and exchanged their ideas. after the forum, the company also held the 2012 analysis meeting on the utilized hours in power rationing areas.

  the duty leaders of the company’s headquarters and the affiliated units also attended the meeting.
