china longyuan power group corporation limtted-尊龙官方平台

zhu yongpeng and qiao baoping attended the board meeting and supervisory board meeting of china longyuan power

scene of the board meeting

  the first meeting of the second board of directors of china longyuan power group corporation ltd. in 2012 was held in hong kong on august 27. zhu yongpeng, president of china guodian corporation and chairman of china longyuan power group corporation ltd., attended the meeting and delivered important speech. qiao baoping, secretary of party leadership group of china guodian corporation and chairman of supervisory board of china longyuan power group corporation ltd. presented at the meeting, xie changjun, president assistant of china guodian corporation and president as well as executive director of china longyuan power group corporation ltd., attended the meeting and introduced the business performance of the company in the first half year of 2012, directors of china longyuan power group corporation ltd. attended the meeting. supervisors, responsible persons of relevant departments of china guodian corporation, chief accountant of the company and board secretary of the company presented at the meeting, and the meeting was chaired by zhu yongpeng.


  during the meeting, zhu yongpeng pointed out that, as the only listed new energy company with price-to-book ratio over one time both domestic and abroad, china longyuan power has positively faced all challenges in new energy development, continuously improved the inner management level, opened up a new phase for the new energy development of the company and made a positive contribution to the implementation of the company’s strategy to “further develop new energy and lead the company to transform. zhu yongpeng put forward three prospects for the future working plan, the first one was to optimize the wind power layout, increase development of wind power on non-power rationing area on land and offshore; the second one was to insist on “going out” strategy, speed up the arrangement of oversea new energy projects; and the third one was to deepen the inner management, actively transform the economic growth pattern.


  five proposals including “proposal on 2012 interim report and interim performance announcement of china longyuan power group corporation ltd.”, “proposal on 2012 interim financial statement of china longyuan power group corporation ltd.” were deliberated and adopted by this board meeting.


  following the board meeting, the first meeting of the second supervisory board of china longyuan power group corporation ltd. in 2012, which was chaired by qiao baoping, was held. proposals including “proposal on 2012 interim report and interim performance announcement of china longyuan power group corporation ltd.”, “proposal on 2012 interim financial statement of china longyuan power group corporation ltd.” were deliberated and adopted by this supervisory board meeting.
