china longyuan power group corporation limtted-尊龙官方平台

china longyuan power holds 2012 economic activity analysis meeting

  on july 17-18, china longyuan power held 2012 1h economic activity analysis meeting & financial work symposium. president xie changjun attended the meeting and made summary speech; party group secretary huang qun, president of jiangsu subsidiary of china guodian corporation, president tao jianhua, leaders of zhang yuan, li hongmei, fei zhi and zhang baoquan of jiangyin sulong thermoelectric co., ltd were all present and made important speeches.

  xie changjun said that in the face of severe and complicated operation situation in 2012, the group’s system made solid progress in pushing all work according to total deployment of 2012 working conference and centering on the guiding concept of “seizing one main line, striving two breakthroughs, perfecting three mechanisms, implementing four focuses and realizing five guarantees”; the group continued sound operation & development trend: 1) profitability of the company increased steadily; 2) safety production was basically normal; 3) development quality kept improving; 4) fund guarantee was strengthened; 5) cdm registered performance was remarkable; 6) technological innovations were plentiful.

  xie changjun emphasized that despite various difficulties in global economy and problems and uncertainties in domestic new energy development, the national direction to vigorously develop new energy would keep unchanged in general. director of national energy administration liu tienan pointed out the following points in his article for the latest “qiushi” journal: 1) to strive to develop new energy and renewable energy during the “twelfth five-year plan”, orderly develop wind power and accelerate diversified use of solar energy; 2) to actively develop biomass energy, geothermal energy and other new energy to boost promotion and application of distributed energy system and facilitate new energy and renewable energy to play more prominent role in energy structure adjustment. at present, the “administrative measures for renewable energy quota system” led by national energy administration is soliciting opinions widely and it is expected and implemented to be issued at the end of 2012. it could be predicted that wind power industry would gradually step in standardized and healthy development track.   

  in terms of the idea and arrangement on operation next, xie changjun put forward the following six requirements: 1) to intensify fund operation, take various measures and do re-financing well with full effort; 2) to center on economic benefit, seize quantity of electricity by all means and ensure that company interest would reach ideal level; 3) to push engineering progress with full effort, conquer difficulties and ensure safety and quality of engineering construction; 4) to adjust investment strategy, optimize wind power development layout and accelerate development pace of solar energy industry; 5) to strengthen internal management with “management improvement activity” as opportunity and deepen tapping potential and increasing performance; 6) to deepen enterprise transformation development strategy, prevent and control management risk and fully activate 3rd pioneering of the company.

  huang qun said in the speech that with aggravation of power rationing and climb of capital cost, development resistance of wind power projects would be continuously increased, economic benefit would increase and wind power industry would enter a difficult times. however, national policies were actively positive, industry development tended to be healthy and standardized and there would be more opportunities than challenges in the future.

  in terms of the 2h production & operation, huang qun put forward the following six requirements: 1) to attach great importance to power rationing; 2) to improve accuracy of micrositing; 3) to increase depth of preliminary work; 4) to optimize construction design and improve engineering quality; 5) to improve standardized operation & maintenance level of wind power farm; 6) to strengthen safety production management and immediately report and solve problems.

  related heads of departments of the headquarter and affiliated units participated in this economic activity analysis meeting.
