china longyuan power group corporation limtted-尊龙官方平台

carry forward lei feng spirit, practice green care
china longyuan power actively carries out activity of learning from lei feng

  “lei feng spirit has broad and deep connotation; he is no longer a person or a name, but the symbol of new-age people to pursue harmony. i firmly believe that lei feng spirit will be further developed among longyuan people. the enterprise culture “home • stage • dream” of china guodian corporation will also shine more brilliantly due to injection of lei feng spirit in it!” li jisheng from yunnan branch of china longyuan power said with all his feeling in the speech contest learning from lei feng.


  according to requirements of party leadership group of china guodian corporation on “about deeply carrying out activity of learning from lei feng”, china longyuan power took quick action and firmly implemented it. during march and april, china longyuan power actively carried out activity of learning from lei feng, and raised an upsurge of learning from lei feng and contributing to the society in internal company system.


  for the society today, what does “lei feng” represent? and what does “lei feng spirit” mean? lei feng spirit is the lofty ideal and firm faith of loving the party, motherland and socialism, the dedication spirit of serving people and helping others, the professionalism of “love what they do and expert what they major”, the innovation spirit of forging ahead and self improvement, and the enterprising spirit of hard work & plain living and frugality. this is just the value core of “lei feng” spirit and also the time consensus condensed in the inheritance and development.


  under strong leadership of party leadership group of china guodian corporation, china longyuan power vigorously promoted lei feng spirit, actively practiced green care activity, and closely connected lei feng spirit and culture of china longyuan power to create sound atmosphere for production and operation of the company.


  to organize to learn and grasp core of lei feng spirit


  to make the staff deeply understand the connotation of lei feng spirit, consciously carry forward lei feng spirit and exert lei feng spirit into the practice, affiliated units of china longyuan power extensively carried out series theme activities of learning from lei feng, conducted propaganda and education on lei feng’s deeds, lei feng spirit and lei feng-style models to get lei feng spirit deeply into heart of each employee of china longyuan power.


  youth league branch of longyuan chifeng company organized the young employees to learn from advanced deeds of new-era “lei feng-guo mingyi”. the young employees got to know his perseverance in devotion to public welfare with full energy for 30 years, see his noble spirit of actively forging ahead, dedication and love       by learning from advanced deeds of guo mingyi. the employees expressed that they would do solid work and strive to innovate at their posts, continually work hard to become a league member of high quality to serve people. hebei branch of china longyuan power launched “written proposal of learning from lei feng activity”, which required the staff to learn ideal and faith of lei feng of being loyal to the party and people and serving people heart and soul, professional dedication of being the “screw” of revolution, “nail spirit” of diligent study, fine style of plain living and hard work. meanwhile, the registration work of “youth volunteer organization of longyuan (hebei) wind power co., ltd.” was completed, 71 employees joined in the volunteer service team and long-term promotion mechanism of learning from lei feng activity was set up. yunnan branch of china longyuan power held the speech contest with “carry forward lei feng spirit, hand on the virtue torch” as the theme, which made the league members deeply understand the connotation of the lei feng spirit and bring lei feng’s spirits of hard work and plain living, giving a help hand to work and life.


  by carrying out a series of activities, longyuan employees carefully learned lei feng spirit, deeply and accurately understood core value of lei feng spirit, which laid broad thinking base on building long-term promotion mechanism of learning from lei feng activity.


  to serve the society and reveal the care awareness of china longyuan power


  for a long time, china longyuan power has always insisted on including the activities of learning from lei feng into overall situation of party building, and ideological & political work, putting the green care action into practice, and developing the way and channel of serving society. with the month of learning from lei feng as the opportunity, china longyuan power combined the activity of learning from lei feng with green care action; it didn’t pursue undeserved reputation, but did real practice and solid work and broadly deepened into the forefront of serving society with “do dry facts and produce actual effects” as the aim.


  in the voluntary tree-planting campaign organized by zhejiang branch of china longyuan power, the employees fully played the spirit of unafraid of hardship and tiredness, as well as cooperation awareness. they planted little trees by themselves, which not only added new green to the wind farm, but also contributed to landscape construction of the wind farm. jilin branch of china longyuan power developed “voluntary learning from lei feng” campaign; it organized the employees to clear the sandstone on 203 national road near the wind farm, smooth the road surface, clear off the white trash near the wind power farm, improve road surface quality for passing vehicles; they showed the concept of lei feng spirit as well as green and clean with practical actions. youth league branch of longyuan xinjiang design company organized youth members to nanhu community to visit family in hardship of sui lifeng who suffered from uremia; they kindly talked with the family, gave gifts such as rice and grain & oil, etc. and brought the most sincere greetings to the patient. gansu branch of china longyuan power developed practical activity of “learning from lei feng and striving to be good employee”; they organized over 30 employees to the nursing house in xinshi district of yumen city to greet the old citizens and brought rice, flour, potatoes, eggs, milk, nourishment and washing powder; the employees talked with the seniors and greatly moved them. they let the seniors see more hope, feel the existence of love and harmony of the society.


  lei feng spirit is an important part of chinese national spirit, which intensively reflects the traditional virtue of the chinese nation; it goes with the times stream of social progress and is a never fading and forever shining flag. as the listed new energy company of china guodian corporation, china longyuan power will continue actively carrying out the activity of learning from lei feng and green care action, and implementing the responsibilities of central enterprises to serve the society and contribute to harmony and stability of the society.

