china longyuan power group corporation limtted-尊龙官方平台

scientific management builds the wind-power brand
china longyuan power wins the first prize of “intensive management of wind-power development”

  on december 6th, “management innovation results of china power enterprises 2011” was announced, and the exploration and practice of intensive management of wind-power development pioneered by china longyuan power won the first prize. this is not only a favorable acknowledgment of the remarkable achievements made by china longyuan power in business operation and management, but also the embodiment of china longyuan power’s constant pursuit of management innovation and sustainable development. behind the honor lies the longyuan staff’s relentless pursuit of scientific management.

  adapt to the situation, innovate the management mode

  china longyuan power was initially established as a state-owned company specializing in thermal-power investment & operation as well as thermal-power technical transformation for cleaner production, and began to set foot in wind power in early 1990’s. at the end of 2002, china longyuan power received 144,000 kw wind-power assets from state power corporation, and established the development strategy of “vigorously developing the new energy prioritizing the wind power”.  

  however, in the subsequent production and operation, china longyuan power gradually found that the wind-power development in china mainly copied the managerial experience of thermal power generation, and wind-power farms (plants) were constructed, developed and operated. as a result of the distribution characteristics of wind resources, china’s wind farms at large are small-scale, widely distributed and remotely located. with the continuous development of wind power, the management mode featuring wind farms is showing more obvious defects. firstly, lack of standardization; each wind farm fights its own battle, and disorderly competition often occurs within the enterprises, leading to wasting of resources. secondly, lack of professionalism; wind-power development is technically demanding, and in wind-farm management of wind-power development, the qualities and professional abilities of personnel are unable to meet the technical requirements, keeping up the cost of development and likely to incur potential safety or quality hazard. thirdly, overall competitive strength is weak; in wind-farm operation management, resource allocation is of low efficiency and weak control ability, the effectiveness of wind farms can not be fully realized and the overall benefits can not be guaranteed. the management layer of china longyuan power realizes that the management level of wind-power development must be comprehensively improved in order to hold the lead in the field of wind power. and the structure of management mode shall be targeted at integrity of system, internal orderliness of system and optimization of system structure.

  in 2003, after consideration, comparison and reference, china longyuan power began to transform and innovate its management mode according to the characteristics of production and operation of wind power, and set about building the intensive-management system.


thorough and careful operation, keep improving the internal qualities

  intensive management of wind-power development is oriented by benefit maximization, centers on the industry chain of wind-power development, and pays attention to the key factors in preliminary work, engineering construction, and production and operation, to realize the management mode of efficient operation by means of scale and specialization of operation. intensive management changes the decentralized wind-power development mode and breaks away from the segmentation system with a project company or even or a single wind farm as the unit. the head office of china longyuan power closely integrates the preliminary project, infrastructure, production and operation, technology r & d, and brand building of its subordinate companies, and carries out overall planning and systematic operation.

  the specific practices of intensive management are: 1. unified planning. according to the requirements of unified planning and level-to-level management, specify the responsibilities and division of labor at different levels, and build the planning system covering every level of the company. 2. unified construction. build the construction and management system in which the company’s head office acts as the decision maker and the regional companies as the project entity and implementer, implementing the unified construction standard, management process and technical specification, and intensifying the safety, quality, progress and cost control. 3. unified operation. improve the corresponding working system, business process, standard system and technical means, carry out intensive integration of the centralized-control function of wind farms, and carry out unified management, so as to promote integrated operation. 4. unified service. strengthen business integration, set technical-service support units as the subjects, optimally allocate the company resources including anemometry, design, repair and maintenance, technology r & d, vocational training, to promote the integrated management and improve the competitive advantage.

  such practices bring the advantages of intensive management into full play. china longyuan power now has more than 5500 wind power generator sets running across china, and carries out 24-hour remote monitoring of its subordinate wind farms through its independently developed “centralized running monitoring platform”.  centralized monitoring provides china longyuan power with visualized basic data for scientific decision-making, and the running of every wind farm is under control.  by the end of last year, the parts center of china longyuan power purchased spare parts for 20 machine types of 38 projects, and the expense totaled rmb 35,000,000, saving rmb 4,000,000. by the end of 2010, the training centre of china longyuan power had trained 2847 wind-power personnel, delivering lots of wind-power talents to china longyuan power and the entire wind-power industry, and supporting the large-scale development of chinese wind power.

it pays to be hardworking, efforts yield substantial results

  intensive management is system engineering, and once put in motion, painstaking efforts are required, and substantial results can be yielded. over the past eight years, relentless implementation of intensive management has comprehensively elevated the management level of china longyuan power, whose wind-power development is now orderly and standardized, structure is optimized; equipment’s power generation is taking the lead in china; engineering construction is of high quality and reasonable cost; and the overall competitive advantage is strengthened.
  at present, china longyuan power has established the nationwide wind-power development network highlighting six major wind-power bases in xinjiang, gansu, inner mongolia, hebei, the northeast, and the southeast coastal areas, and supplemented by inland wind power, and has accumulatively accomplished 61.30 million kw of wind-power reserve. china longyuan power is the wind-power development enterprise with the most project points, which are most widely and optimally distributed in china. from 2006 to this day, the average utilization rate of wind-power generator sets of the company is 97.65%, and the annual utilization hours are 2281 hours, far above the national average level.

  by the end of 2010, the wind-power installation capacity of china longyuan power was 6.56 million kw, keeping its leading position in china and asia, and ranking top three of the world. the company’s total profit grew from rmb 0.514 billion in 2005 to rmb 3.2 billion in 2010, growing by 6.2 times; in 2010, china longyuan power continued to win the “asia's 500 most influential brands” prize, rising from 300th place in 2008 to 89th place, and was the one and only new-energy among the top 100. the company has also successively won the honorary titles including china (industry) top 10 innovative brands award, “world famous chinese enterprises” in 2010, china power scientific and technical awards, and the new-energy field “best enterprises” award in “energy summit 2011”; won the super, first and second awards and science and technology progress award for many times issued by china guodian corporation. this november, at the annual “energy night” award ceremony for the 3rd china energy enterprises summit forum, china longyuan power won the “star low-carbon energy enterprises” award.

  some experts have indicated that, china longyuan power’s winning the first prize for innovation results proves that the success of china longyuan power does not only benefits from its wind-power core technology and core competitiveness, but more importantly, its comprehensive, systematic and scientific intensive management mode becomes the guarantee for china longyuan power to make sustained progress and achieve excellent business performance, and such a management mode is bound to enable china longyuan power to make greater achievements during the “12th five year plan”.
