china longyuan power group corporation limtted-尊龙官方平台

official from the international energy agency (iea) visits jiangsha tidal power station


  on the afternoon of july 24, mr. john huckerby, chairman of the iea oes-ia, founder and ceo of new zealand wave and tidal energy industry associations, came to visit the guodian wenling jiangsha tidal power station, accompanied by the relevant officials from the national marine technology center, zhejiang provincial oceanic administration and wenzhou marine research institute.  


  john huckerby paid a visit to the power plants, main control room and the dam of the power station and then held a talk with the local workers. the wenling power station gave mr. huckerby a brief introduction of the construction and operation of the power station before answering some questions. mr. huckerby also introduced the basic situation of the iea oes-ia, as well as the present application development and future plans of the wave energy and tidal energy in new zealand. this visit to jiangsha tidal power station was very impressive, said he. he also showed great admiration for more than 30 years’ successful operation of the power station and wished the station a great success in the next 30 years.


  in early 2011, china became the 19th member country of the iea oes-ia.


  (jiang xiaoyi, jiangsha, wenling)
