china longyuan power group corporation limtted-尊龙官方平台

china longyuan power has initiated its large-scale development of the offshore wind power

on june 21, china longyuan power group corporation ltd. of china guodian corporation held the launching ceremony of 150mw demonstration offshore (intertidal) wind farm in rudong county, jiangsu province, which indicated the beginning of large-scale development of china’s offshore wind power.

guodian longyuan’s rudong demonstration offshore (intertidal) wind farm in jiangsu province lies in the intertidal area which is 3 to 8 kilometers off the outer beach of huangang of rudong county, jiangsu province. the total installation is planned to be 150mw and the volume of the single turbine used in the farm is no less than 2mw. approved by the ndrc on dec. 6, 2010, 100mw installation of the project is planned to be launched into production in 2011 and all the planned installation of the project will be put into production in 2012.

due to the maturity of wind power technology and the restriction of the land, offshore wind power has become an important area of the global wind power development. according to btm, by the end of 2010, the accumulated installation of offshore wind power had reached 3,554mw, among which the newly installed capacity of the world in 2010 was 1,444mw which is over twice of 2009. it is anticipated that the global newly-installed capacity of offshore wind power of this year will be 1,400mw and it will reach 26,000mw by 2015.

there are plenty of wind resources in the seas of china. according to the analysis of the meteorological observation at the height of 50 meters, the volume of the offshore wind power in china has also amounted to 2 billion mw. it can overcome difficulties, such as land occupation and grid transmission, to build offshore wind farms because the coastal areas of china are close to the load center and grid digestion is strong. besides, it can promote the development of relevant industries so that it has given equal consideration to the social and environmental benefits and realized the win-win situation in all parties involved. the broad prospect of the offshore wind power has greatly attracted local governments as well as developers and equipment suppliers so that they have attached great importance to the development of offshore wind power.

in 2007, china longyuan power took the lead in the offshore wind power. it firstly set up jiangsu longyuan offshore wind power co., ltd. and concentrated its advantageous resources so as to fully promote the construction of offshore wind farm. since 2009, the company has made all efforts to promote the preliminary feasibility research and project application of rudong 30mw intertidal pilot wind farm project and phase 1 demonstration of 150mw intertidal wind farm. started in june 2009, the 30mw intertidal pilot wind farm was put into production on september 28, 2010, which is a breakthrough in the development of global offshore (intertidal) wind farm. its success offered an experiment platform to accelerate the maturity of domestically-made offshore wind turbines and accumulated valuable experience for the large-scale development of offshore wind power in china. the 150mw rudong offshore (intertidal) demonstration wind farm in jiangsu province of china longyuan power is an important platform for the company to further study the development technology of intertidal wind power and grasp the construction and installation of offshore wind power equipment as well as the technology of operation and maintenance. its development has played a function of positive guidance and demonstration to the development of china’s offshore wind farm, evaluation and site selection of wind resources, planning and design, construction and operation maintenance. in addition, it will lay a solid foundation for the localization of the equipment used in offshore wind power development.

offshore wind power is an important direction of wind power in the future. in line with the principle of “overall planning, staged development, easy to difficult, active and reliable” as well as the thought of “firstly test, then small-scale demonstration, finally large-scale development”, the company selected the offshore (intertidal) wind farm as the breakthrough and moved to the wind power development in offshore area and remote seas.
