china longyuan power group corporation limtted-尊龙官方平台

china longyuan power organizes all party members and staff to study in xibaipo


“i volunteer to join the communist party of china, uphold its guiding principles and abide by its regulations ... …”on april 15, facing the red party flag, all party members raised their right fists to swear solemnly again by reciting the admission oath right in front of the bronze group sculpture of “the five major secretaries” and the oath echoed resonantly around the center and the square crowded with tourists.

to welcome the coming 90 anniversary of the foundation of the cpc, the party committee, directly affiliated to china longyuan power, organized all party members and staff to come to xibaipo so as to recall the history of the party, recite the admission oath and carry out the work of moral education. after a 5-hour drive, the comrades from the company arrived at xibaipo, which was located to the northern bank of the hutuo river and on the eastern slope of the taihang mountain. xie changjun, general manager of the company, and huang qun, secretary of the party leadership group presented a basket of flowers to the bronze group sculpture. looking at the sculpture with reverence and contemplating, all the comrades bowed three times collectively to show their respect and admiration to the great figures and they solemnly swear again.

huang qun reviewed the essence of the xibaipo spirit together with all party members. meanwhile he said each achievement of the company was the contribution of the party members and the staff. it had been proved through practice that the company had a staff team which was brave and willing to make contributions. he hoped that the party members could keep pace with the xibaipo spirit and make further innovations.

after watching the documentary film on the history of xibaipo carefully, the comrades came to visit the xibaipo museum and the old residence of the central committee of the cpc so that they could express their high esteem to the revolutionary pioneers and make further study of the xibaipo spirit.

the nine exhibition halls including “the work and life of the work committee of the central committee of the cpc in xibaipo” and “on the eve before the final decisive campaign” presented the party member’s fearless revolutionary spirit by using large amount of photos, ms, paintings and weapons and truly reproduced the magnificent process of the liberation war. the four party branches of the company entered the halls in good order and they carefully listened to each guide’s explanations for the history of each displayed article. some comrades shot chairman mao’s ms, cloth-made shoes and stretchers once used by the pla soldiers with their cameras; others, following closely the guides, asked some questions, such as “where were the generators used in xibaipo from? ” and “has the diaoyu island been marked in the war map once used in xibaipo?” this fully showed that the comrades were keenly interested in the revolutionary history full of hardships and difficulties as well as the xibaipo spirit.

the party members lingered long around the old residence of the former leaders and the residence of the second plenary session of the seven central committee. they were deeply affected by the fact that pioneers had commanded the three decisive campaigns and liberated the whole china in such tough conditions. in addition, they said they would carry on the xibaipo spirit in their future life and work. they would stick to the post and make continuous progress so as to promote the overall development of the enterprise and make great contributions to the country in higher spirits and with more solid work attitude.