china longyuan power group corporation limtted-尊龙官方平台

vice-premier zhang dejiang inspected yumen wind farm of guodian longyuan

in the afternoon of july 9, zhang dejiang, member of the political bureau of the cpc and vice premier of the state council, inspected yumen wind farm of guodian longyuan together with the duty comrades of the relevant departments of the state council and he expressed his warm solicitude toward the staff of the wind farm. leaders accompanying him also include lu hao, secretary of gansu provincial committee of the cpc, zhu yongpeng, general manager of guodian group cooperation and deputy secretary of the party committee, xie changjun, general manager assistant of guodian group cooperation and general manager of china longyuan.

zhang dejiang first arrived at the site of gansu yumen wind farm. gratified by the sight of rows of whirling wind turbines on the vast gobi desert, he affirmed the contribution to the development of new energy resources that had been made by china longyuan. he was deeply concerned about the development of the wind power industry and asked about the grid connection of wind power and its feed-in tariff. meanwhile he carefully heard reports made by the departments concerned. in his inspection, zhang dejiang shook hands with the staff of the wind farm kindly and took photos with them on the site.

in the central control room of yumen wind farm, general manager xie changjun made a report on the construction and operation of the wind farm as well as the development of the wind power and its development strategies at the nation wide to zhang dejiang. through the distance supervising system of the wind farm which was developed by the company independently, xie changjun demonstrated the operation of the wind farm to zhang dejiang. and he was very glad to see that wind farms in the major areas of the country were all in good condition. meanwhile he said that to develop new energy resources was the nation’s significant measure which is applied to energy saving and emission reduction as well as an actively response to the climate change. the nation had issued many policies to support the development of new energy resources. in jiuquan, gansu, there were abundant wind power resources. at present, the development of the wind power in this area had formed certain scale and laid a good foundation for the future development. the wind power enterprises should continue to do a good work on innovation in order to make good exploitation and use of the wind power resources in this area. as a result, they could make more contribution in the process of the great development of china.

yumen wind farm is the first model wind farm in gansu developed by guodian longyuan. it is 12km away from the east of the new urban district of yumen and it is located in the middle part of the hexi corridor. in 1997, 4 sets of 300 kw wind turbines were imported from nortank company of demark with the total installation of 1.2 mw. during the period of 2000 to 2007, the company finished its expanded project of phase 3 and technological transformation project successively. besides, yumen wind farm was the pioneer wind farm which used the first group of 600 kw wind turbines made in china. till now, the wind farm has put 142 sets of wind turbines into production with the total installed capacity of 110 mw. it is listed into “the wind power industrial zone” which is one of the five major industrial zones of yumen and it plays a demonstrative role in the field of wind power industry. according to the plan, the double-circuit 750 kv transmission and transformation project in the hexi corridor of gansu will be put into production by the end of this year and till then the pressure of power transmission will be greatly reduced. the new installed capacity of 500 mw will be put into production in jiuquan of gansu by china longyuan this year and it will reach 910 mw by the end of the same year. as a result, the wind farm will keep its leading position in gansu.
