china longyuan power group corporation limtted-尊龙官方平台

wu baozhong, chairman of the supervisory board, and his attendees arrived at tuoli(xinjiang) wind farm to make an investigation

on sept. 28, wu baozhong, chairman of the supervisory board of the key state-owned large enterprises of the state council and li huimin, deputy director of the 23rd office of the supervisory board arrived at longyuan (xinjiang) tuoli wind farm to make an investigation. mi shuhua, vice general manager and member of party leadership group of china guodian corporation and xie changjun, assistant general manager of china guodian corporation and general manager of china longyuan power accompanied them

during the visit of the wind farm, xie changjun made a report on longyuan’s wind power development plan of xinjiang and da ban cheng regions in the period of the “twelfth five-year plan” and on the existing problems of the wind power development in xinjiang, such as grid connection.after that, mr. wu and his attendees came to the central control room to know further details of wind turbines operation. meanwhile, he asked about the electricity production, electricity price and profit and so on.
at the on-site report meeting, mr. wu carefully heard the report made by longyuan's subsidiary xinjiang tianfeng wind power co., ltd. on the construction and operation of da ban cheng wind farm and tuoli wind farm.

mr. wu fully affirmed longyuan’s significant contribution to the development of xinjiang wind power.he believed that since longyuan had the “cradle of china’s wind power” --- xinjiang da ban cheng wind farm and had accumulated much valuable experience in the development of the wind power, it was worth summarizing it and popularizing the same time, he hoped that longyuan should keep moving ahead and make greater contribution to the construction, operation, management standards and system of the wind power industry. (by wang ligang and han zhaowei)
