china longyuan power group corporation limtted-尊龙官方平台

longyuan technology company won the third prize of standardization administration of china’s power enterprises




  on july 26, practice on standardization management of overhaul and maintenance of wind power station in longyuan technology company, a writing compiled by the longyuan (beijing) wind power engineering co., ltd., was awarded the third prize of standardization administration of china’s power enterprises at the 2011 annual meeting for china power enterprise management.    

  this annual meeting, sponsored by the china electricity council, has more than 400 power companies to take part in. it is aimed at speeding up the standardization of power enterprises, promoting the application of the achievements of scientific research, and facilitating the continuous improvement of management innovation and comprehensive competence of the power enterprises.  

  this annual meeting received over 400 pieces of works on standardization management. through careful and strict consideration, the jury determined the winners of the first, second and third prizes of standardization administration of china’s power enterprises. the article of practice on standardization management of overhaul and maintenance of wind power station in longyuan technology company won the third prize, which indicates that the longyuan technology company has made new substantial progress in improving overhaul and maintenance of wind power station and strengthening the core competence of the company.

  (by wang xin from longyuan technology company)
