china longyuan power group corporation limtted-尊龙官方平台

technological upgrading project at dabancheng no. 2 wind farm of china longyuan power put into production

on 9 december, 2009, all the 34 wind turbines of the 25,500 kw technological upgrading project at dabancheng no. 2 wind farm of xinjiang tianfeng wind power co., ltd. had been put into production. by then, altogether 18 projects of clypg had been put into production in 2009 and the installed capacity put into production had added up to 802,200kw.

with altogether 34 goldwind® 750kw wind turbines installed, the overall installed capacity of the project totals up to 25,500kw. the project’s construction formally began on 24 july, 2009; and on that day, the foundation for wind turbines were poured. on 20 november, 2009, the first wind turbine was combined to the grid; and on 9 december, 2009, all the 34 wind turbines had been put into production. it is forecasted that the annual on-grid energy will amount to 68.82 million kwh.

the project as a technological upgrading project to adopt the replacement plan for the construction of the former dabancheng no.2 wind farm (phase iii) project consists of dismantling the original wind turbines and the transformation of original distribution wires; and it is the first time to launch a large-scale project of transformation in the domestic wind power sector. to dismantle the original wind turbines is much more difficult than those projects in which new wind turbines will be installed. therefore, the project company expounded and proved the dismantling plan again and again while doing a lot of experiments, thus having guaranteed the safe and smooth removal of original wind turbines. as the original wires on the site of the project were still in a state of commissioning alive and the transmission was frequently stopped during the construction, it was rather difficult to conduct safety construction. the engineering department and the department of work safety made careful plans and arrangements in the prophase so that there appeared no safety accident during the construction; the project was completed and put into production safely and smoothly, and expected effects had been obtained. (by wu feiying)
